form editing
UserParams edit
ui refactoring
fixed #456
implemented direct access to a wf start page
allow multiple recipients for email notifications
implemented incremental harvesting
increased width of a db column
json timeline. (dragging & zooming will load automatically new data)
corrected sentence
new js library for date range selection
repo name in timeline labels
repo name visualization in history
fixed timeline page
fixed a back button
cleaning and refactoring js
moved some function from common js
fix some visualization errors
unified response for journal and recent wfs
now using new dnet-datepicker template
ng-change added to datepickers
fix a dialog
some ui messages
SCRIPT_COMMENT: fixed deploy.info file to the module dnet-modular-workflows-ui
history table
SCRIPT_COMMENT: Added deploy.info file to the module dnet-modular-workflows-ui
fixed modular
utility libraries moved to modular-ui module
timeline updated to bootstrap3
added button to show recent wfs
Recent wfs limited to the current metaWf