added alwaysNewRecord parameter on OAI-SYnc Node
The syncOAIStoreJobNode Implements ProgressJob node
Update node description.
Alias bean
Updated workflow: wf subparts excutable in isolation. Using improvements of dnet-oai-store-service 4.1.0
Enable the deletion of a set from an oaistore. Pass parameter setSpec or setSpecParam to the Drop store workflow node.
dealing with duplicates
removed unused class
Added node to decide to perform the public switch of the oaidb or not.
BlackboardJobNode: obtainServiceId method
new locators, increased major version
Fixed wrong parameters name
Updated default list of compound indices.
Added description for start node
fixed outgoing arc
added compound index on funder and oaftype for OAI
Added node to set the new current OAI db
SimpleJobNode that updates the current OAI db via xUpdate
fixed parameters for setFormat node
SetFormatInfoJobNode takes three optional parameters that specify the name of the env properties where format, layout, and intepretation will be put.This is useful to the dm.provision wf, where the OAI nodes need the triple "oaf-index-openaire" instead of "DMF|TMF-index-openaire".
Updated workflows for OAI feed/post feed.
collection aware OAI store job nodes
Added bb job to drop an OAI store
Added Job node to create index on mongodb (useful to tell the OAI store to create compound indices.
Cleaned family and automatic start of wf and meta-wf
Updated workflow to count sets from the values in the records and the sets configured in the profile.
New blackboard action to create an oai store. This is needed by the wf for OAI feeding.
Renamed metworkflow and added description.
Merged with dnet-oai-mdstore-workflows: added Job that reads from an mdstore and prepare all parameters needed to store the epr in the oai store.
wf family set to "InfoSpace Provision"