Explicit handling of dmf metadata format, as it lacks a container element under oai:metadata
feeding with UNACKNOWLEDGE write concern.The feed action also take the optional parameter oai_alwaysNewRecord so that the OAI store can assume there is no another record with the same id in the oai store.
removed deprecated methods of mongodb driver
changed misleading log
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-4.2.0
set released parent
returning the correct error code for non existing identifiers
Fixed xpath and returns null in case we have no provenance block.
checking provenance exists in the record
Ups, forgot the bean
Supporting provenance.
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-4.1.0
merged changes from branch "cleanup".
Fixed drop action.
Enable the deletion of a set from an oaistore. Pass parameter setSpec or setSpecParam to the Drop store workflow node.
logging exception
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-4.0.0
updating to major release of ServiceLocator
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-3.0.0
Preparing for release 3.0.0
When a soai store is deleted also the sets and setscount collection are deleted.
Avoiding set '___' generated when we have "strange" set names such as those in cyrillic/ukrain. In those cases records are assigned to a default set, currently named "OTHER".
Logging time to get the mongo cursor for debugging purposes.
added relativePath in pom
Added test for parsing CQL queries on datestamp
Using releases for basic D-Net modules
Cleaned logs
moved test to correct package
Adding parenthesis in mongo queries, otherwise they are not interpretred as expected.
Do not ensure index when creating an oaistore
Added forgotten handler.don call
Updated test.
The oai database currently in use is discovered dynamically from the OAIConfiguration profile.The xquery to use to retrieve the db name from the configuration is in the property services.oai.publisher.db.xquery.The OAI controller/core have been refactored....
Added bb job to drop an OAI store
Using ensureIndex instead of createIndex on mongo collection.
max_threads property does not exist anymore
throw exception if OAI store does not exist
Added bb message and action to create index on OAi stores
Updated workflow to count sets from the values in the records and the sets configured in the profile.
Ensure indices in background
not using executors when ensuring indexes
New blackboard action to create an oai store. This is needed by the wf for OAI feeding.
The expected name of collection is format-layout-interpretation
closing dep ranges.
Not using "patch" property anymore.
removed option for record patch: the file HDFS is correctly generated according to the openaire schema.
SCRIPT_COMMENT: fixed deploy.info file to the module dnet-oai-store-service
SCRIPT_COMMENT: Added deploy.info file to the module dnet-oai-store-service