updated dedup production conf for result entities
fixed comma
tesing person configuration: name blacklist
a list field is empty when all its members are empty
person distance tests
enabling to map structured objects as JSON strings
MapDocument implements a more general view of the pace model
added custom conditions in the proto path navigation
more testing
added actionset id to the protoDocumentMapper, used to build the indexrecordidentifier
depending on latest pace version
added more tests
added helpers to navigate proto messages
added protobuf to solr document transformer
fixed test
merged branch ProtoMapping
revised tests
added one more test for organizations
derp changes
removed protocolbuffers dependency from dnet-pace-core, Builders and Proto specific tests moved in dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils, adapted dnet-mapreduce-jobs
class moved to src/main/java
unit test
merged from branch 2.0.0