vocabulary dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel
remove duplicated puma rule
set of modified transformationrules from skalny for the new beta
set datasourceprefix to "webcrawl_wq___"
updated rule for csv import
added IDSCHEME and IDNAMESPACE elements to the OAI configuration profile
submittable M/R OAI feeding job
extended dedup configuration, including now blacklists and algorithm parameters
fixed rel direction
puma rule script
replace dc:dateAccepted with oaf:dc:dateAccepted due to schema update
Added some synonyms and the unknown term for dnet:countries, as it is required to ingest r3data.
extended entity grouper configuration
openaire relationship terms and their inverse defined as OntologyDsResources
updated dedup/indexing configuration and the relative job definitions
cannot use colon in CF names
Ontology profiles moved to proper package
fixed copy-paste error
removed spurious term
updated vocabularies for relation names
updated IIS job interfaces
improved parameters management
map only job configuration used to feed the oai store
skipRecord rule commented, must be replaced by a "mark record as rotten" attribute
updated iisMain workflow configuration profile
SCRIPT_COMMENT: fixed deploy.info file to the module dnet-openaireplus-profiles
SCRIPT_COMMENT: Added deploy.info file to the module dnet-openaireplus-profiles