no need for extrainfo type
updated samples for public schema
updated transformation
Trying to keep it simple: schema with no schemeclass/id. Code and type used when needed in place of classid/classname.
added transformed records from 0.3_complete to public-1.0
documentation for version 0.3
applied replacement of vocabularies URL
minor changes, still need to revise the namespace handling
preparing folders for transformations
documentation for 0.3
simplified schema for projects
added link to wiki
simplified schema for persons: no children and no anchor properties
all xsd are now qualified.
simplified schema for organisations: excluding CORDA specific fields
simplified schema for datasources: excluding OD and re3data specific fields
added first version of public oaf schema as copy of 0.3
renamed folder
updated schema trying to use the simplest types as possible to cover the actual existing cases
more samples
more samples for publicaton entity
fixed schema for organizations' children
Added fields for OA mandates and H2020 data pilot in projects.
re-organised trunk into directory per version. Version 0.3 of the schema added.
white space in xs:documentation
pid element is of type optionalClassedSchemedElement
Updated documentation to state which fields is applicable only to datasets or only to publications (see #744 and Result.proto)
Commented reference to ontology: description of relationships inline with the schema documentation.
Fixed missing end tags
ignore replaced folder
Linking schema to vocabularies.
#513: added inference attributes to properties of datasource, org, person, and project
#513: added inference attributes to result properties
Deleted schema files 0.1 from trunk
added extraInfo field (optional, repeatable) as last element of an entity
moved content into trunk and branch 0.1