[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.1.2.beta.context
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.1.2.beta.context
updated dependency
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.1.1.beta.context
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.1.1.beta.context
updated pom version and scm
svn merge -c 36444 -c 36445 -c 36446 -c 36608 -c 36609 https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/dnet-openaireplus-workflows/trunk
starting back form r36274
branch to be deploied on beta to produce the index containing the H2020 projects with the new context definitions
The shadow stats validation report must occur after the shadow search switch.
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.1.1
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.1.1
file moved to dnet-deduplication
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.1.0
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.1.0
fixed dependency
actions garbage workflow migrated to dnet-deduplication
increased size of fundingpaths description column
Added column "description" to table fundingpaths.
no need to add entries into the old organization_funding table. The link to the funder is in the fundingpath.Added some more cascade constraints
FCT funding tree has only one level: no need to add the funding program FCT.
FCT funding tree has only one level.
unused imports removed
instrumentation changed: now conf are loaded from the DB
on delete cascade sql stmts
added selective db2hbase workflow
dedup stuff moved in module dnet-deduplication
added back the dep to DFM
integrated changes from r35921 of branch 3.0.8.x
finalising branch
temp revert of data flow monitoring and its dependencies
added hideHover = false in Morris.Line
Added a first implementation of data flow monitoring
Removed dependency: workflows are the wrong plae for it. it must be added to the module that is actually using it (probably a download plugin)
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-
depending on previous version of mapping utils
#1175: callID
Fixes #1185 about Wellcome Trust and uniform ids. Remember to delete WT entities before running the transformation workflow again.
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-
Counting records in mdstore is not correct, as they might have changed since we started the current workflow. The counter of records written to the HDFS file is instead what we need. The difference between hdfs and hbase counts is the number of records without a metadata field.
temporary commit
testing migration to dnet-deduplication
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-
going back to version
bumped dep to mapping-utils
imported changes from trunk from r35829 to r35857 for the node that checks if the numbers of records stored in hbase is the same as the number of records in the mdstores.
Creating branch for workflows before the introduction of new contexts
Jurisidiction fixed
fixed arc
debugged, removing log about the whole env
fixed env param name
Debugging env param
Putting mdstoreCount in the env
letting the node fails by throwing exception
fixed arcs
Nodes to check that the number of records read from mdstores is the same as the number of results written to HBASE
#1105: removing "FS" suffix until the portal can make changes.
funder jurisdiction details
increased the version of a dependency (dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils)
script to add erc datasource
use of fundingpaths table in projects query
ands to db
arc to db
arc and ands contexts
instructions with he vocabulary to register
script to import new entityregistries (arc and ands)
removed an unused xslt
wt and fct fundings
merge from fundingPaths
fixed prefixes, names and descriptions
renamed a wf
namespecePrefix as property
corda h2020 projects
H2020 contexts
entityregistry for h2020
FCT contexts
WT contexts
workflow for context (CORDA - FP7)
new branch for fundingPaths
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.0.8
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-3.0.8