disabling all iis modules in svn after migration to github
#1498 introducing major citations related refactoring including new generic direct citation matching moved to processing phase, introduced position field in all citations schemas and updated collapser taking position into account when merging citations details coming from 3 variuos sources: fuzzy citationmatching, direct citationmatching, references metadata
#1395 WorkflowRuntimeParameters static fields cleanup, moving parameters to dedicated modules to prevent excessing icm-iis-common module modifications
#1209 introducing support for trust level thresholds provided as IIS input parameter
#1212 updating taxomonies database, introducing acm taxonomy classification, introducing acm classes support in exporter module, updating integration tests
#1329 adding affiliations field in ExtractedDocumentMetadata PMC schema. Metadata extraction code refactoring by extracting code responsible for building Affiliation avro records to AffiliationBuilder class and sharing it with pmc ingestion. Implementing affiliations ingestion functionality in PmcXmlHandler covered with unit tests. Adding affiliations field support in ingest pmc metadata transformer.
#1257 dropping schema generation related hacks in all map-reduce modules, switching to literal schema parameters
#1237 introducing dedicated oozie and job properties dumpers writing all job properties into ${workingDir}/job.properties file
#1237 introducing properties dumper process writing all job properties into ${workingDir}/job.properties file
#1135 switching dnet-hadoop-parent version to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in order to include workingDir related changes made in icm-iis-core
Removing usage of working_dir from Java workflow node.
#1038 introducing ranges in dependencies definition for all IIS modules
#1038 reintroducing ranges in dependencies definition for all non-iis dnet modules
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release icm-iis-common-1.0.0
#1044 pre-release switching to released version of parent pom and released dependencies
introducing scm definition
#1038 upgrading dnet dependencies to latest released versions listed by Claudio in #1038#note-3
renaming import.content.max.file.size workflow input parameter to import.content.max.file.size.mb
introducing import.content.max.file.size workflow input parameter
#883 introducing import.content.blacklisted.objectstores.csv property
introducing IMPORT_MERGE_BODY_WITH_UPDATES flag. When set Oaf retrieved from body should be merged with all available updates holding inferred content
introducing regex support in result approver to support iis::* kind of provenance, updating workflow definitions with proper regex values
#637 introducing vocabulary related import parameters
removing obsolete comment
#433 fixing problem with unserializable comparator: moving logic to comparable objects
#433 introducing natural citations ordering
introducing IMPORT_TRUST_LEVEL_THRESHOLD parameter
introducing shared citation ExtraData XML model in icm-iis-common, implementing citation importer in mapred_import workflow, implementing exporter module
introducing CONFIDENCE_TO_TRUST_LEVEL_FACTOR field holding 0.9 multiplier used for IIS confidence level [0;1] translation to trust level [0;0.9]
introducing FsShellPermissions utility class, utilizing proprly working chmod in metadataextraction cache
updating programatical execution of chmod on meta.json file, stil not working due to "Permission denied" warnings
introducing changing meta.json file permission allowing writing for different users
introducing deploy.info file for module icm-iis-common