skipping PMC citations ingestion when citationmatching algorithm is not enabled
shortening transformer_export_documentto* action names to be less than 50 characters
#354 hooking up primary/main workflow with documenttodataset and documenttoproject transformers skipping export of already existing relations in HBase
updating default
#486 fixing integration test: introducing missing document_text_wos input port for primary/processing
#486 introducing last piece missing: text collapser in front of referenceextraction_researchinitiatives joining text contents coming from already existing document_text input port and newly introduced document_text_wos input port providing WoS contents
#486 bugfix: reordering existence filter with id relacer: we need to update identifiers first, then update existence filter
intregrating pmc citations ingestion with primary workflow, adjust port names, deduplicating dependencies
renaming input ports from input_citation to input_citations to be aligned with exporter subworkflow
skipping exporting citation matching outcome
updating expected references output for doc=id-3
fixing affiliations and positions in authors details
fixing HBase model json representation to be compliant with most recent dnet-openaire-data-protos:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT model: complex relation identifiers, dataInfo on fields level etc
introducing additional logging
setting excluded_ids to undefined value
introducing file for module icm-iis-mainworkflows