introducing ${iis.hadoop.frontend.port.ssh} property support, set to 22 by default, allowing overriding this value in order to support ssh and scp operations for non standard SSH target machine port
updating maxExecutionTimeMins to 180 and checkIntervalSecs 60. Primary processing test job execution exceeded 1h on testing cluster.
#1038 dropping dependency ranges for plugins - does not seem to be supported by maven
#1038 introducing ranges in dependencies definition for all IIS modules
#1044 reenabling SNAPSHOT repositories
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release icm-iis-parent-container-1.0.0
#1044 reverting version due to unsuccessful release
#1044 pre-release switching to released version of parent pom and released dependencies
#1044 moving coansys placeholder definition to documentssimilarity and citationmatching modules to eliminate necessity of releasing parentcontainer module every time coansys version changes.
introducing scm definition
#1038 reverting iis.coansys.version property value to 1.7-SNAPSHOT due to missing artifacts
#1038 moving iis.coansys.version property definition from dnet-parent to icm-iis-parent-container to make releasing process easier
introducing cloudera repository in parent container, removing repository definitions from individual IIS modules
removing obsolete dnet-snapshots repository definition which should not be needed in dnet40
removing ${} before creating it. This will be useful for executing integration tests where we want to stick to predefined ${} directorym which will not be automatically generated after each run, and we want to clean it up before each upload
#782 setting plugin repository to dnet4-bootstrap-snapshot
reverting back to dnet-hadoop-parent 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT due to missing SNAPSHOT repository defined in released dnet-hadoop-parent 1.0.0
#780 fixing icm-iis-parent-container module version to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
#780 fixing dependecy issues after recent CNR modules release by sticking to released versions of CNR modules in icm-iis-parent-container, icm-iis-import and icm-iis-export-actionmanager modules
#597 adding svn.repository,svn.path properties in file
#614 introducing monitor profile dedicated for monitoring oozie job progress and propagating final job status as maven result. Upgrading exec-maven-plugin to 1.3.2 in order to allow dumping stdout to file which was added in deploy profile to allow job identifier extraction
#597 reintroducing changes supplemented with org.tmatesoft.svnkit:svnkit:1.8.5 explicitly defined depedency
#597 reverting svn version related changes until resolving 1.8 svn client issues
#597 deploying svn version in oozie_app/ file
changing repository to dnet4-bootstrap-snapshot