#919 introducing Concept schema and importer module producing avro datastore based on XML profile
#686 introducing ExtractedDocumentMetadataEnvelope schema definition
#577 introducing citation envelope
#1017 introducing PMC extracted metadata schema
introducing detailed confidenceLevel field description placed in external eu/dnetlib/iis/README.markdown file
#963 introducing DocumentToMDStore datastore definition holding mappings between dataset identifier and mdstore indetifier holding given dataset
#118 introducing LogEntry related comment in avdl file
#118 introducing log entry schema
#913 renaming DocumentContentUrl#contentSize to DocumentContentUrl#contentSizeKB changing field type from int to long, importing content size from ObjectStoreFile#fileSizeKB, updating dnet-objectstore-rmi dependency from 1.0.0 to 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT
#913 changing DocumentContentUrl#contentSize field type from string to int
#913 introducing DocumentContentUrl#contentSize field, handling it properly in all PIG transformers
#840 moving IdentifierMapping from importer to common package
#840 renaming DeduplicationMapping to more generic IdentifierMapping
introducing PmidMapping schema
updating countryCode comment to: country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 uppercased code
Adding info on where to find types of citations produced by PMC citation ingestmodule
fixing comment
introducing address field
adding new countryCode field to affiliation
#577 updating Citation namespace
#577 introducing common.citations.Citation schema
removing redundant ReferenceBasicMetadata and ReferenceMetadata definitions which are also available in standalone avdl definitions, replacing definitions with import statements.
removing deprecated PersonWithInferencedData avro schema
removing deprecated DocumentWithInferencedData and DataSetReferenceWithInferencedData avro schemas
#568 renaming Citations#sourceDocumentId field to Citations#documentId
#568 introducing CitationEntry and Citations schemas
rename a field