merging trunk changes with IIS-CDH-5.3.0 branch
#1306 introducing dummy field in DocumentId schema required to overcome issue. Handling dummy filed in transformer pig scripts when it is required. Should be reverted as soon as PIG-3358 issue is fixed
#1312 wrapping tuple schema returned by outputSchema() method as described in PIG-3082
removing oozie-sharelib-distcp dependency from pom.xml file and relying on oozie.use.system.libpath=true set among
replacing icm-iis-3rdparty-pig-avrostorage dependency with original piggybank
#1198 aligning IIS dependencies and java code to CDH5.3.0 cluster
#1197 introducing changes aligning paths to rumcajs cluster HDFS structure
creating IIS-CDH-5.3.0 branch
introducing branches folder