#757 introducing doitooaid transformer processing DocumentMetadata datastore holding metadata imported from InformationSpace and creating datastore holding <doi,oaid> pairs which will be used by pmc ingestor for matching references identified by doi
null reference ids removed
updating default job.properties
removing memory related properties, fixing #757 should solve all memory related problems
#568 introducing citations grouping by sourceDocumentId, still to be adjusted for ingested pmc citations outcome which currently seems to hang up
#577 introducing UDF producing empty map, two transformers building common Citation datastore from citationmatching and pmc ingestion outcome. Both are required by collapser.
introducing importer/plaintext/skip_extracted transformer required for plaintext import caching
#354 removing obsolete transformers/export/person transformer along with tests
#354 removing obsolete transformers/export/inferenced_document_without_imported_data transformer along with tests
#354 removing obsolete transformers/export/identifier/referenceddatasets transformer along with tests
#354 removing obsolete transformers/export/identifier/documents transformer along with tests
#354 removing obsolete transformers/export/document transformer along with tests
replacing redundant transformers/ingest/pmc/citations with already existing transformers/importer/documentmetadata/idextractor
adding missing "confidenceLevel" field
introducing deploy.info file for module icm-iis-transformers