added new schema elements dr:dateOfTransformation and oaf:license
refactored rule 'skipRecord'; may need revision of plain xslt rule profiles by adding and point to a template 'terminate'
removed legacy property
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-2.1.5
make localhost default URL for blacklist-api; use datasourceprefix / namespaceprefix as argument to xquery the datasource profile, related to #1495
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-2.1.4
rule statement blacklist now requires an xpath expression to evaluate the value of the datasourceId
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-2.1.3
fixed Resource class to be UrlResource in applicationContext
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-2.1.2
fixed compatibility in hashString function with guava version > 14
blacklist and blacklist api feature
new parameter blacklistApi and new property services.transformation.blacklist_api expecting an URL
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-2.1.1
fixed bug in RetrieveValue if argument is "value", e.g. profilid
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-2.1.0
Increased version
Using the new service locator.
Using the new service locator.Xquery looks for vocabularies by name and code.
modified dmf schema to not continue to support dri:repositoryid but dri:datasourceprefix; support attributes for vocabulary english name, schemeid, schemename; journal, bibCitation attributes
lookup resource profile by (x)query in addition to lookup by id
added logs showing the content of the XML causing problems during the transformation
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-2.0.0
cnr-service-common >= 2.1.0
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-1.0.1
trim date string before processing
fix date pattern and format issue when month or day are provided as single digit without leading zero
identity transform of the about node
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release unibi-data-collective-transformation-common-1.0.0
preparing for release
clean up
remove System.out
implemented copy function that mimics the identify transform
fix configure transformation template once and before the first transformation
no dri:objIdentifier in "skipped" record
replaced dom4j by jaxp deps in RetrieveValue class; passing preprocessed parameters to stylesheet in case of xslt input rulescript
refactor of xsl template and split function instead of recursive calls
redefining the behaviour of the "skipRecord" rule by adding attribute "syntaxcheck" in the record header, #323
fix to make the transformator compliant with saxon
added some log information
fixed identifierextraxt function to return unique values of identifiers
SCRIPT_COMMENT: fixed file to the module unibi-data-collective-transformation-common
SCRIPT_COMMENT: Added file to the module unibi-data-collective-transformation-common