


| Revision:
  • svn:ignore: node_modules dist npm-debug.log

# Date Author Comment
56055 12/06/2019 12:04 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin] : affiliations.component: configure button 'Add Organization/Affiliation' according to where it is used.

56053 12/06/2019 11:54 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Curators page: change text on modal.

56043 11/06/2019 03:55 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin|Trunk]: new version for interactive mining tool. Install it with npm install --no-save ./interactiveminingv3.tgz

56042 11/06/2019 03:52 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin] :
1. angular.json: Update which schema is used according to angular7.
2. app.routing: Add related organizations routing.
3. pages/affiliations/: Add affiliations folder - affiliations files used by 'Related Organizations' page and 'Personal Info' page (curator)....

56038 11/06/2019 11:48 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin|Trunk]: interactivemining fixed at package.json

56034 10/06/2019 10:50 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Remove testing isPortalAdministrator = true

56025 07/06/2019 12:27 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Add functionality to remove curator photo.

56014 06/06/2019 12:53 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Curators edit personal info: On add affiliation transform logoUrl to tinyUrl.

56012 06/06/2019 12:15 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Add tinyUrl at properties.

56000 05/06/2019 04:44 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Admin |trunk]

add properties parameter in navbar and clean up other attributes
55994 05/06/2019 03:31 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: 1. Add on sidebar menu Community Affiliations under Community Item, also personal info has been moved under Users Items. 2. Delete Sticky Button. 3. Fix unresponsive behaviour on Edit Personal Info page on medium screens.

55986 04/06/2019 04:20 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Library]: 1. Remove error and warning pages. 2. Block user when he tries to add an empty affiliation.

55972 03/06/2019 04:52 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Merge into trunk branch angular7 rev 55968

55957 03/06/2019 11:58 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin]: Add property 'orcidURL'.

55951 03/06/2019 11:39 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


minor change in deploy script

55948 03/06/2019 10:25 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Curator personal info page: Remove some text when name or websiteurl are more than 70 chars. Make logo smaller.

55947 02/06/2019 09:45 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Open new tab when user attends to go to an affiliation website.

55946 02/06/2019 08:55 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: 1. Add properties for delete and download url. 2. Add a new module for sticky ok and cancel button. 3. Add new page for curator edit personal info.

55931 30/05/2019 09:05 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

1. Fix a bug in interactive minging library. 2. Now you can run script and install library without npm install manually.

55920 30/05/2019 04:32 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Angular7|Admin]: Add to create interactiveminingv3.tgz

55915 30/05/2019 02:47 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Angular7|Admin]: a fix at interactive mining library

55914 30/05/2019 02:32 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Angular7|Admin]: a fix at mining_backend_address on the interactiveMining library

55910 30/05/2019 02:00 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Angular7|Admin]: Add interactivemining library with angular 7

55907 30/05/2019 11:34 AM Konstantina Galouni

[angular7 | Admin]:
1. Move uoa-admin-portal project to Angular 7 (interactivemining library needs to be updated too)
2. Delete unsused components: delete-confirmation-dialog, modal-form.component

55672 22/05/2019 04:41 PM Konstantina Galouni

[angular7 | Admin]: Remove 'faq' related pages (unused).

55669 22/05/2019 01:03 PM Konstantina Galouni

[angular7 | Admin]: Set svn externals to the library branch 'angular7'.

55668 22/05/2019 01:00 PM Konstantina Galouni

Creating a branch 'angular7' for upgrading uoa-admin-portal from angular 4.4 to 7.2

55661 21/05/2019 04:14 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: AppComponent: constructor: add scroll at top base on router events logic

55416 24/04/2019 01:44 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk|Admin]: Use scroll function from 'HelperFunctions' class (openaireLibrary/utils).

55412 23/04/2019 01:33 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. app.component: use CommunitiesService with subject functionality (updateCommunities() & getCommunitiesState()).
2. wellcome.component: Change message & if user logged in, show communities he manages.

55411 23/04/2019 01:29 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk|Admin]: change classes of remove/add buttons:
'remove red_background_color red_color' --> 'remove uk-button-danger'
'add green_background_color green_color' --> 'add uk-button-primary'

55406 22/04/2019 12:43 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: 1. Build sideBar menu in app.component. 2. Add AdminLoginGuard to /classes route

55187 04/04/2019 01:20 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Add the new modules to svn(forgot it)

55186 04/04/2019 01:19 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: 1. Create a module for page-help-content-form-component because there was a duplicate declaration

55185 04/04/2019 01:10 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: 1. Layout Component: Check if session is expired.\n2. Create a module for div-help-content-form-component because there was a duplicate declaration

55103 27/03/2019 01:10 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Change community layout component

55058 21/03/2019 10:48 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Nothing to notice

55048 19/03/2019 04:10 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Fix Notifications on 404 error.

55028 19/03/2019 11:30 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: 1. Add Community Layout Component. 2. Add module ngx-color-picker. 3.Change property AdminToolesUrl to mpagasas(for test)

54967 08/03/2019 02:10 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Lazy routing is Completed. Need to check communities and classes routes guards and query parameters

54966 07/03/2019 04:46 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Guards has been changed back to canActivate. Usermenuitems bug is fixed for CommunityCurator

54964 07/03/2019 04:43 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Library]: connectCommunityGuard has been added it for check if type is community. Change community error page message

54963 05/03/2019 03:53 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: Lazy routing for dashboard, manage-user-notifications, communities, community-edit-form, manage-zenodo-communities and manage-subscribers.

54961 04/03/2019 03:32 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Admin]: 1. Cleaning some code. 2. Add Modules for lazy loading(not all). 3. Refactor interactive mining library for lazy loading and guard's protection

54901 25/02/2019 04:16 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk|Admin]: Add 'openCitationsAPIURL' property.

54788 14/02/2019 01:20 PM Konstantina Galouni

[trunk]: Admin (Connect): Remove unnecessary logs

54674 31/01/2019 04:22 PM Konstantina Galouni

htmlpage-content pages: Bug fixes when in 'source mode' (source button clicked) - show preview in successful updating & preview content of source mode.

54667 29/01/2019 03:10 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Properties: add "environment" property

Claim Admin: set "externalPortalUrl" property

54624 23/01/2019 10:06 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

create deploy folder
move property files for beta and production there

App component:
for menu item overview, the required routes changed to null

54606 21/01/2019 03:53 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. connect-admin-beta-properties.json & connect-admin-production-properties.json env-properties.json: Add 'feedbackQuestionaire' property.
2. app.component.html: Add feedback component with 'feedbackQuestionaire' property.

54574 16/01/2019 12:29 PM Konstantina Galouni

html-page-content.service: Added missing authorization headers for POST request.

54441 18/12/2018 12:19 PM Sofia Baltzi

Remove comments

54440 17/12/2018 04:17 PM Sofia Baltzi

Move email validation to library

54374 13/12/2018 04:21 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Change svn externals to use branch library

54373 13/12/2018 04:17 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Creating a branch for Aungular6

54372 13/12/2018 04:17 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Remove old branch project-cli

54359 13/12/2018 01:34 PM Sofia Baltzi

Remove unused methods, there are in library's composer

54343 12/12/2018 02:08 PM Sofia Baltzi

Use Composer

54208 07/12/2018 03:09 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Properties: update files with latest properties

Sidebar: Remove "manage" word in sidebar
add link to invite & notifications settings

Dashboard: Remove "manage" word

Stats: enable/disable all fix issue

Zenodo communities:
add loading
add remove button for newly aded communities

54074 03/12/2018 12:33 PM Konstantina Galouni

Scroll into view in ngOnInit() for every page.

53984 27/11/2018 01:28 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. pages.component: Reinitialize keyword in search form when changing page type.
2. communities.component & divIds.component & div-help-contents.component & entities.component & page-help-contents.component & pages.component:
Bug fix: Change search forms to search on 'search' button click or enter.

53980 27/11/2018 11:43 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Add links in sidebar, dashboard and user menu for users
add/update messages in projects, content providers and zenodo explaining when the changes will be applied
add messages in manage-user-notifications

53974 26/11/2018 04:48 PM Sofia Baltzi

Change email properties

53964 26/11/2018 12:10 PM Sofia Baltzi

Change email's subject

53963 26/11/2018 11:58 AM Sofia Baltzi

Change email's list view

53962 26/11/2018 11:51 AM Sofia Baltzi

Change email's subject and body

53957 25/11/2018 08:11 PM Sofia Baltzi

Read url from property

53953 25/11/2018 05:23 PM Sofia Baltzi

Change email's css

53949 23/11/2018 10:29 PM Sofia Baltzi

Fix email's subject and body

53948 23/11/2018 06:25 PM Sofia Baltzi

Fix the email body for new Community Managers

53940 23/11/2018 03:37 PM Sofia Baltzi

Add auth option in header for post request

53928 22/11/2018 05:23 PM Sofia Baltzi

Fix typos in email's html

53925 22/11/2018 04:10 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

zenodo communities:
fix table issues
set proper messages (loading, error)
show the id when master exists but not in zenodo
FAB: change uk-icon-button to uk-button -> avoid chrome losing svg when there is padding
CSS: Menu items color : get the proper color if it is fixed or sticky

53905 21/11/2018 10:42 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

zenodo communities:
complete searching in zenodo API
add button for save a zenodo community
fetch and display selected communities from CNR API (datatables: initial rendering is not properly working)...

53898 20/11/2018 05:30 PM Sofia Baltzi

Send email to inform for new Manager/s

53894 20/11/2018 04:53 PM Sofia Baltzi

Send email to a new Manager

53741 14/11/2018 12:06 PM Konstantina Galouni

manage-subscribers.component & manage-user-notifications.component: when Session is expired, redirect to '/user-info' page to show a proper message (fix unhandled cases).

53735 13/11/2018 04:26 PM Konstantina Galouni

For every page: when Session is expired, redirect to '/user-info' page to show a proper message.

53669 08/11/2018 02:52 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Add a readme file
remove unused file
update services that have POST & DELETE methods in admin tool API with options using authorization headers

53613 01/11/2018 06:21 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. library.css: Add class 'inherit-color' (used in user notifications: uk-form-label).
2. mailPrefs.component: make functionality of buttons like manage-user-notifications.component of admin portal (when preferences change, save button remains clickable unless 'reset' is clicked)....

53600 30/10/2018 04:31 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Merging from branch 'branches/project-cli' r53598 in trunk

53598 30/10/2018 03:22 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Add robots.txt file | add meta no-index

53563 26/10/2018 02:38 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Add claim information property in properties file
add show recent and claim information url in my manage component
add ORP, minor css changes
apply css corrections after the facelift css added
update wellcome page

53551 24/10/2018 02:14 PM Sofia Baltzi

Change loading logo, message's possition and form's width for community-edit-form

53473 15/10/2018 08:51 PM Sofia Baltzi

Keep new managers in an array and subscribe them to the community at community-edit-form page

53451 15/10/2018 11:46 AM Konstantina Galouni

manage-user-notifications.component: Add mail preferences component.

53429 10/10/2018 04:12 PM Sofia Baltzi

Fix search bar functionality at manage-subscribers page

53422 10/10/2018 12:27 PM Sofia Baltzi

Fix delete modal for deleting subscribers and paging for subscribers at manage-subscribers page

53351 01/10/2018 04:36 PM Sofia Baltzi

Add modal to delete subscriber safely at manage subscribers page

53270 26/09/2018 02:29 PM Sofia Baltzi

Add show notifications in case of error at manage user notifications page

53257 25/09/2018 12:44 PM Sofia Baltzi

Change temporarly service url

53249 24/09/2018 05:48 PM Sofia Baltzi

Change success message for manage user notifications

53247 24/09/2018 05:24 PM Sofia Baltzi

Remove usernotification empty folder

53246 24/09/2018 05:16 PM Sofia Baltzi

Rename usernotification to usernotifications and manage-user-notification to manage-user-notifications

53232 24/09/2018 01:11 PM Sofia Baltzi

Add success and error messages, and loading at manage-user-notification page

53198 20/09/2018 03:21 PM Sofia Baltzi

Add manage user notification form's functionality, services and userNotificationsRights class

52898 03/08/2018 03:59 PM Sofia Baltzi

Change subscriber's table to datatable

52894 03/08/2018 12:58 PM Sofia Baltzi

Fix router for manage-user-notification

52893 03/08/2018 12:54 PM Sofia Baltzi

Fix remove subscriber functionality

52892 03/08/2018 12:33 PM Sofia Baltzi

Fix some typos in community-edit-form.ts