bug fix
updated method to getUrlsOfReposPerUser to use cache
added dependsOn in xml configuration
added dependsOn annotation on repoapi cache impl to avoid potential circular references
merged repoAPIsnew cached implementation for repoAPi that can be used an extra layer on top of dms, direct,simple ones
deleting an interface now requires type of datasource
interface compliance is set to unknown when updating a current interface
update/insert interface now return the interface rather than void
added new methods to add/update interface
changed repoApi to repoApiExtended
split repoApi methods to the current and a new extended oneadded method to delete intefaces without checks
fixed url
ehcache improvements:-single repositories are now fetched from cache-the repository is updated in the cache as soon as it is updated or insterted-better exceptions handling while persisting/restoring cache
caches are now persisted in disk on shutdown caches are initialized automatically on startup either from disk-if exist- or dms asynchronouslycaches are updated upon add/edit a repository asynchronously
code clean up and refactoringcache is now force updated after a repository is added/editedadded method to get Repos by ids
interface typology can now be inherited from datasourceClass
bug fixes
added new method to get a repository only by giving an id
*changed the relative path of services to SpringGwtServices/<service-name>*removed servlets and mappings for each service from web.xml. Added a new GwtSpringServlet to map all services*Service implementations are now annotated using spring "@Service" *reduced the number of permutations to 1 to speedup compiling
temporary fix to enable autowiring of service beansimplemented getUserByEmail method
added new method to return Repositories per country
RM-2 Move userAPI and RepoAPI implementation to uoa-commons
RM-2 Move userAPI and RepoAPI implementation to uoa-commons*userApi moved
removed svn externals
temporary fix for rejected subscriptions. issue:1288
Changing RepositoryVocabularyLoader to use DatasourceManager, instead of ISLookup.Related to #993
MERGE uoa-commons vocEncoding into trunk r24969:27891
icm-enabling-aas-common and ehcache-spring-annotations
copy of uoa-commons to start working on spring4