Fixed a problem with the funding requested number
Added a reload method to MyWidget interface that is called by the update of content manager. In the researcher step, if the user has a role extra than researcher but also has researcher, when clicking no (not requesting funding for someone else) his account info is presented.
Monitor menu appers only on moderators or administrators
Finished summary step of the funding wizard
Getting the invoice id and saving it in the request
finished invoice upload
Fixed the month format in accounting step
Changed the date format
Refactored EligibilityManagerImpl as well
Updating in each step the respective classes in FundingWizardState apart from the request.
Completed the accounting step of the funding request wizard functionality
When editing account info, change the userinfo element up right. Also, in editing info, the email address textbox is disabled.
Fixed a problem with the first navigate (onModuleLoad())
Added a clear button in the publication step that clears all the forms
Saving only the requests that have completed the publication step in the funding wizard
Removed a test Window.alert()
Changed the way we handle the history items and I know keep the current and previous token so that when needed I can go back to where I previously was.
Added a summary step widget (currently it displays nothing)
Added one more small change
Minor all-around changes
Second version of fileUpload
Added the accounting info in the accounting step and changed the text of the next button to submit for the accounting step
Added resolve doi functionality in publication step
First accounting step functionality
Correctly updating user roles in update user, and displaying different things in researcher step of the funding request depending on the user role
Completed edit account info and added a clear method in all the major widgets so that when we navigate again in a widget its state is cleared
Updated project step to take eligibility into account before proceeding
Added publiction step functionality
Commiting changes to go with the new domain
Added more functionality
Initial commit