#1304 updating SQL scripts to support updated Project#fundingClass field holding concated two fields: funder and top level funding delimited with "::". Introduced additional support for ARC and NHMRC grant ids.
#1304 introducing 20150518_new_funding_model branch
removing branch copied from trunk - this is not the way we should branch
introducing 20150518_new_funding_model branch
#1285 bugfixing: removing non-existing file copying
removing oozie-sharelib-distcp dependency from pom.xml file and relying on oozie.use.system.libpath=true set among job.properties
#1285 copying SQLite database files from default yarn read-only location to temporary location and assigning writing rights
merging trunk changes with IIS-CDH-5.3.0 branch
#1198 aligning IIS dependencies and java code to CDH5.3.0 cluster
#1197 introducing job.properties changes aligning paths to rumcajs cluster HDFS structure
creating IIS-CDH-5.3.0 branch
introducing branches folder