


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
59786 05/11/2020 12:26 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Monitor Dashboard]: monitor.component.html: Show message "Send us your feedback" not only when no indicators in activeSubCategory, but also when activeTopic has no categories.

59777 05/11/2020 09:26 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

- remove helptexts call from monitor
- updates for sidebar

59771 04/11/2020 05:04 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

set SEO titles also for private view
add check in getTypesByUserRoles

59765 04/11/2020 12:16 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]
move preview button to topic.component
monitor.component, app
update methods to show the profile based on the preview value and the visibility

59762 04/11/2020 10:10 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Add footer on front page

59747 03/11/2020 10:42 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

- update checks for roles
- Stakeholder form: create stakeholder type if curator of that type of portal administrator

59732 01/11/2020 04:41 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: 1. Finish manage stakeholders. 2. Remove logos.

59729 31/10/2020 05:02 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: 1. Change menus. 2. Fix visibility edit options. 3. add page_content_header on css

59713 29/10/2020 10:17 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

add additional description field
add tooltip to show description
Manage stakeholders:
add checks for roles

59693 26/10/2020 02:53 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

add tabs for manage profiles page
update css for admin tabs
- add css for visibility quick menu

59675 23/10/2020 03:58 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


-remove isPublic/isActive and their funtionalities
-add visibility
-update stakeholder and indicator cards

-add beta version of stats tool

59556 12/10/2020 02:54 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

Merge branch to trunk (59477:59555
Changes applied: remove theme css and classes, update with new admin UI

59412 18/09/2020 11:19 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

-apply changes for baseLink, domain properties

-add jsonld in monitor page
-add files for production version (robots.txt, index.html)

59224 06/08/2020 09:34 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]

Indicators Page:
- keep parameters
- add feadback link

Admin manage number indicators:

- add message when stakeholder parameterization is not applied
- preview the number API url (similar to charts)
- json path: auto generate if the first one has comma separated values...
59218 04/08/2020 09:57 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

- smaller screen show the mini sidebar
- with esc or click outside hide the filters
- set background
- Search Results/ Projects use the same index field as in the refine fields for funder and RI

- filters:
named queries - don't apply filter if already applied with different value...

59185 28/07/2020 05:56 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Filters: add co-funded filter

59183 28/07/2020 04:57 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

Apply initial changes according to the latest mocks
hide filter icon when filter panel is open
show an overlay film when at least one active filter cannot be applied to a chart
when a filter is already applied by default to a chart (with multiple queries) with different value --> change the chart color to one with lower opacity

59122 15/07/2020 12:06 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor| dashboard]

add filtering fl0 for parameterized named queries

59118 14/07/2020 05:22 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor dashboard | trunk]

monitor Component: Add fl0 filter

59106 14/07/2020 12:01 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: wait property initialization on search and langind pages

59104 14/07/2020 10:25 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

Search pages:
update the custom filter: add name, organization custom filter is set to not hidden
Update filter icon css

59079 13/07/2020 11:23 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor|Dashboard | Trunk]

Sidebar menu: add link to search research outcomes - build parameters for each stakeholder

Search pages:
add isHidden = false for the custom filter
remove openaireSearchLink

-add css for mini_title of sidebar
-add selectedFilters css

59062 10/07/2020 10:38 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor_dashboard | Trunk]: Add search and langind pages to monitor dashboard

59061 10/07/2020 10:37 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

Indicators page - Filters:
filters in burger menu on the right
add range filter component

Indicator utils:
AddFilter(): add filter for parameterized queries
for parameterized queries stakeholder position is not fixed in first place. parameters contain start/end year in first 2 places....

59056 07/07/2020 04:08 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor dashboard | Trunk]

Enable adding numbers from stats-tool

Adding filters not in the indicator object, but on demand when filters are applied
Use common code for charts and number objects from stats tool

59048 06/07/2020 11:19 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Move sidebar and header to app component

59024 29/06/2020 06:26 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Generate alias fix / char

59009 29/06/2020 03:31 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard| Trunk]

- add link to monitor for Monitor logo
-topics view: add public/private icon in md-card similar to stakeholders & indicators

58998 26/06/2020 12:52 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

-add monitor logo in left sidebar
-add stakeholder name and logo on the blue bar
-back button takes you to /admin

manage buttons takes you to /admin
private preview to work if admin or curator

58990 25/06/2020 10:10 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard |Trunk]

Admin and stakeholder page:
-update titles (use
-indicator description in the bottom

-rename stakeholder to profile
-update titles (use
-add name when there is no logo
-back button takes you to stakeholder page not /admin...

58986 24/06/2020 03:36 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor dashboard|Trunk]

For the menu use the stakeholder name instead of index_name

redirect to error pages changed:
private stakeholder - > message private data
public stakeholder with no topic/category/subcategory to show (either because is private, inactive or simpe they don't exist) -> message no indicators yet...

58960 18/06/2020 02:03 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard| Trunk]

Admin: Enable Delete profiles only for administrators
Enable delete only for non-default elements
Add tooltip for active/public status of topics/categories/subcategories in sidebars

58924 16/06/2020 09:30 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]
Number indicators:
edit available only for portal admins
parsing the url to parameterize and work for other indicators
when requesting to get the numbers use the getNumberUrl to properly set the stakeholder id

58909 12/06/2020 07:32 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[MOnitor Dashboard|Trunk]

Indicator utils:
support highmaps
make code more generic (eliminate using library name in if-then-else)
update with proper login service
remove routing to 'ec' when no stakeholder defined

58901 12/06/2020 12:46 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|TRunk]

Topic - Icon:
change topic.iconUrl to icon
show it as inner html in sidebars
Create AdminDashboardGuard:
use it in restricted parts
check if portal admin, community curator or monitor curator

58893 11/06/2020 07:06 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Update beta properties/environments

Add check for environment and show the proper badge

Smaller sizes for number indicators

Monitor Dashboard:
changes in the top bar: update colors, fonts, alignment
Manage button is moved to top menu bar...

58875 10/06/2020 04:03 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: 1. Fix preview link 2. if stakeholder doesnt exist go to error page. 3. If stakeholder is inactive or private and user no admin go to error page

58845 04/06/2020 08:32 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard |Trunk]

Stakeholder Page: Update colors according to the mocks.

58837 04/06/2020 01:30 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]

Update stakeholder page according to the new mocks
clean up monitor-custom.css

add theme page route

App component: pass parameter for minimenu and front page

58829 03/06/2020 03:44 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor_Dashboard | Trunk]: Move stakeholder class and service to library

58823 02/06/2020 02:45 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Links to Admin available for monitor Curators, Community Curators and portal administrators

Indicators page:

add tooltips for active/public
show message when stakeholder values couln't be parsed
allow urls from different installations of stats-tool...

58725 19/05/2020 06:38 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Monitor Dashboard]: monitor.component: Show "style_switcher" (icon for administration portal), if user is logged in (not logged in and admin).

58707 15/05/2020 02:26 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor_Dashboard | Trunk]: Add default badge. Fix a bug with indicators deafultId. Add option to create a blank profile.

58692 13/05/2020 03:08 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Monitor Dashboard]: monitor.component.ts: Initialize activeTopic, activeCategory, activeSubCategory when url path changes (Bug fix: When a topic has no content do not show previous content).

58690 13/05/2020 12:00 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Monitor Dashboard] : monitor.component: Add checks for description & loading & no indicators case.

58687 13/05/2020 10:23 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Monitor Dashboard]: monitor.component: Add method "isPublicOrIsMember()" to check when to show public/ private entities.

58683 12/05/2020 01:05 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashaboard | Fix some bugs with indicators saving]

58062 06/02/2020 02:45 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Change css for sidebar height

57978 14/01/2020 08:48 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Clarify css of login button. Add section title.

57967 10/01/2020 02:31 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]


Update method  StakeholderCreator.updateECProfile with proper values
update method that creates default profile to add only common things

Monitor Component:
update section layout

57965 10/01/2020 12:32 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[monitor dashboard]

Update parameters names: use 'index_id', 'index_name', 'index_shortName'
change the way they are replaced
update default

EC creation: create a method that adds EC specific charts

Create StakeholderUtils.defaultProfiles to add ids for showcase default profile...

57961 09/01/2020 03:31 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard|Trunk]

App routing: remove admin menu when not needed
add '*pages*' route

App component:
set navbar in the middle
add stakeholder name or title in blue bar when sidebar is closed

Require login for admin parts
Require admin role for managing pages, entities, helptexts, etc...

57959 08/01/2020 12:00 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Change default -> dedaultId. Add section on stakeholder model. Change reorderto be suitable for sections. Create types for stakeholder fixed values.

57940 23/12/2019 04:10 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Remove url from getUserInfo.

57938 23/12/2019 03:02 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


move dashboard shared components (input, loading) under library

57936 23/12/2019 02:54 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor Dashboard]

move sidebar in library
add 'hasAdminMenu' in routes
update sidebar using class MenuItems

update generateIndicatorByChartUrl
-parameterize default query
-add stakeholder
-add subtitle
update colors in default stakeholder method

57929 20/12/2019 12:48 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


add routes for manage Admin tool common entities(pages, communities, helptexts, entities)
Stakeholder ddefault profile: update colors in charts

Input component: add type checkbox

57887 15/12/2019 02:17 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Change ModalModule -> ClickModule

57884 15/12/2019 01:38 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Reset user menu items before build

57882 13/12/2019 04:48 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Monitor Dashboard]:
1. app.module.ts: Import UserMiniModule.
2. app.component.html: Pass parameter [colors]="'light'" to <user-mini> component.
3. monitor.module.ts: Import UserMiniModule.
4. monitor.component: Add view and functionality for login/logout in non-administrator pages....

57839 09/12/2019 11:41 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor dashborad|Trunk]

Updates on funder default profile

57835 06/12/2019 04:46 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[MonitorDashboard]: Fix a bug with subscriptions

57831 06/12/2019 02:52 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Handle alias. There is a bug with observables, need to be checked

57818 05/12/2019 01:01 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Badge add rotated badge in admin pages
Set _id null when create a profile from default one
Set sidebar default option to open

57815 05/12/2019 10:01 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Nothing to notice

57814 04/12/2019 07:25 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[MonitorDashboard]: Fix a bug with header and sidebar. Save sidebar open status per topic

57812 04/12/2019 06:01 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Funder page:
add message when there are no indicators & description
hide search & menu items
match height for indicators: title & frame stays at the bottom
add link to admin
add prototype badge

Indicator Creator:
add more categories

57805 04/12/2019 12:47 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[MonitorDashboard]: Sidebar: add activeItem and subItem to check which element is active

57773 29/11/2019 03:58 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

update method extractOldToolYTitle: add check if fieldsheaders is array

57772 29/11/2019 03:46 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[MonitorDashboard]: Save stakeholder

57770 29/11/2019 02:35 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashnoard]: Add stakeholder utils and move function from stakeholderCreator.

57757 28/11/2019 05:27 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

-Add logo files for demo funders
-make changes to monitor component according to the mocks
-StakeHolder model:
--add logoUrl
--add recommenderFor in subCategory and Indicator level (for demo)
-StakeHolderCreator(for demo):
--add h2020 & fp7 charts & categories...

57707 27/11/2019 11:51 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Change monitor route to / and / to admin

57706 27/11/2019 11:09 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Merge create and edit modals. Rename SidebarService to LayoutService and add hasSidebar on it

57673 24/11/2019 05:30 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Complete indicator save and reorder.

57647 20/11/2019 01:55 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

initialize filters where is posible
monitor page:
apply filters when available
add filters section in html for testing (commented)
create IndicatorPath from URL:
add checks if filters & queries exist
apply parameters when there are more than one queries...

57618 14/11/2019 04:20 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Fix validation of names in dropdown edit. Move getFullUrl on inidicator Utils

57601 13/11/2019 03:27 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Monitor_dashboard| Trunk]

IdicatorUtils: add method that creates stakeholder from a url
Update default profile - add parameters

57550 08/11/2019 02:05 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

update default profile with more number indicators
monitor.component: get stakeholder from subject

57514 05/11/2019 03:59 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Add Topic page

57506 04/11/2019 12:50 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Add topic page

57504 04/11/2019 11:13 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Update model with parameters, filters & jsonObject

57496 01/11/2019 07:30 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor_dashboard]:Initialize monitor admin. Home page has been created.

57482 31/10/2019 09:30 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


-make header full
-add stakeholder name in the header

57481 30/10/2019 04:26 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Fix satinizer of iframe

57473 30/10/2019 10:38 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Change uk-width to uikit version

57466 29/10/2019 02:18 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


svn ignore files
add uikit main css instead of limited theme css

57465 29/10/2019 12:35 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Add disable transitions on page

57464 29/10/2019 12:33 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard]: Add open menu on main header. Click outside close sidebar.

57451 25/10/2019 03:19 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor-Dashboard]: Add new dashboard theme and make monitor page base on it.

57449 24/10/2019 09:44 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Initial commit