[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag uoa-search-1.0.0
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release uoa-search-1.0.0
Closing #925 - empty fromDate results in resultdateofacceptance within * ...
sygma datasource xsl updated to be compatible with sygma.xsd
changed sygma schema to be compatible with xs:sequence of sygma.xsd
taking care of multiple ids for objidentifier, relpersonid, resulthostingdatasourceid, relprojectid - closing #926
Closing #348 - added descriptor for opensearch and produce the correct result
Closing #928 #930 #931 with refinements in api parameters and error messaging - Closing #894 introdusing sygma model
updated uoa-commons to 1.0.0
reverted parent to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
added SCM infopreparing for release
Adding a property in the search service profile to distinguish between public/prepublic versions
Resolving 2 issues - #862 Updated the query parameter that search service sends to index service. The extra "query=" was removed. It was causing CQL parser error.- #348 It partially resolves the issue with the rss format. The format is supported but the openSearch descriptor is still missing.
similarity level available in search results
added vocabulary for sc39 - closing #816
citation info added in search results
adding shards.tolerant parameter to every search query after suggestion in #786
adding sort functionality. Closing tasks #758 and #767
fixed dependencies ranges
created tag folder for release
fixed a bug in action status update
configuration using the IS dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel for datasourcecompatibilityid
FP7ProjectID parameter also adds 'and (relfundinglevel0_id exact 'FP7')' filter
adding openSearch descriptor
Parameter check added and better string handling
removed logging message
multiple country ids are supported for project API
Closing #553. JSON support for all requests
added rss opensearch results
following the new vocabulary schema with code field, adding dc schema for publications api, introducing project api
added a blackboard listener to accept index modification messages
adding multiple dois search and funder parameter
fixed svn url to dnet40
changed deploy.info in a correct way to be added to jenkins see comment on ticket https://issue.openaire.research-infrastructures.eu/issues/386#note-3
changed configuarion to match new vocabulary names and better handle of ioexception
changing to spring 4
copy of uoa-search to start working on spring4
create uoa-search for spring4