sticking to earlier version
added dependency on dnet-mapreduce-jobs
bumped dependencies for mongo mdstore and mongo-logging (new mongo driver 3.x)
depending on mongo-mdstore >= 5.0.0 and mongo-logging >= 2.0.0 (new mongo driver)
using HDFS-based ActionManager
Copied pom of beta to introduce the validation workflow in production and use the updated version of dnet-openaire-data-proto
reverted previous commit: 3.0.0 of dnet-data-transformation-service includes the suport for the validator blacklist, not yet for production
depending on dnet-data-transformation-service >= 3.0.0
depending on newer version of database service
#1890: updated dependency dnet-modular-collector-service to include 3.3.0
updated dependency to the correct released branch of dnet-openaire-blacklist
Updated dependency to dnet-openaire-blacklist
depending on dnet-openaire-blacklist >= 1.0.0
forcing dnet-openaire-data-protos:3.4.0
temporary excluding collector-service with sftp in order to not be affected by the rename of ftp2 to ftp (see #1808)
now we can depend on any version of the 4.1.x branch of dnet-openaireplus-workflows
using mapping-utils 3.2.11
depending on mapping utils 3.3.0 for #1839
logging xqueries on dedicated file
Logging xqueries in separate log
exluding dnet-deduplication 1.4.0: we need to refactor the transformations of provision workflows from classpath resources to transformation profile mappings.
Using new version of transformator service supporting the validator's blacklist
We need to log the xqueries to check why the IS suffers
including validation workflow: dnet-openaireplus-workflows > 5.0.0, bumped version
excluding dnet-openaireplus-workflows 4.2.0 as it contains the query to load from DB to HBASE with the new compatibility for dataset repositories
added dependency to objectstore ui
added dependency to dnet-objectStore-ui
adding blacklist
deleted empty useless folder
added scm
reverted pom
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-container-openaireplus-3.2.0-BETA
added module dnet-openaire-blacklist
added dep to dnet-deduplication
Not using openaireplus workflow 3.0.8 branch anymore.
Added property for the validator blacklist (currently with a mock value)
Override default property for transformator service and the validator blacklist
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-container-openaireplus-3.0.1-PROD
Added CONSOLE log4j for local runs, but commented.
added images
changed pom dependencies
added new version of objectStore
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-container-openaireplus-3.0.0-PROD
fixed wrong scm property
added scm property to pom
No CONSOLE appender for beta war
No CONSOLE appender for production war
updated pom
updated dep to workflows
changed dependency to the new layer of objectstore service
added a fashion index page
Beta container with new funding paths and context and old deduplication
added dep to deduplication
using workflows trunk to include the new management of fundingpaths and increased version.
removed the job for the branch has been added manually
Fixed version
Creating branch for the production container.
Cannot deploy on the snapshot repo if the version does not end with SNAPSHOT.
cleaned pom and deploy info
Branch for container for the beta infra
personal branch updates
deleting merged branch of the container
OAI host and port properties
added property for service.index.solr.rank.enable
Added exclusion to avid duplicate jars in the final war.
container to test the new is
xquery logger
use of the new datatasource manager apis
new branch
removed unused file
updated logging, removed CONSOLE appender
less logging
adding snapshots until we don't release all the modules
added locators
fixed pom, including download service and the relative plugins
Preserving a container with all the services defined in it