removed eu folder at the wrong path
Using new release of OAI and vocabulary publishers, as those have (what it seems to be a) proper cache management.
depending on OAI publisher with cache management
Updated dependency for cnr-openaire-exporter to work with the new db.
removed the job for the branch has been added manually
Fixed version
cleaned pom. The project exporter module must be here.
Creating branch for the BETA container provision
Commented out cnr-openaire-exporter to update the provision container for production.
properties for OAI and openaire exporter
cnr-openaire-exporter moved to the dnet-container-provision module.
embrace the new locators
cleanup, added index configuration
depending on releases only
fixed svn path
localhost as hostname instead of Sandro's IP
updated logging, removed CONSOLE appender
Using released version of Vocabulary REST publisher
Using released version of OAI Publisher.
context set to provision
fixed properties
added ignore property
fixed pom dependencies
added new index service
logs pretty print dates as the IS container does
Using new version of OAI publisher.
closed range for OAI dependency. Added dep to vocabulary publisher.