reverted to r46653
commented out dnet-datasource-rest-api dependency
refer to dnet45 source code and snapshot repository
inherit from dnet45-container-parent, updated deps
log in dedicated file
using updated index service
cleanup logs
added swagger properties
added datasourceCacheManager
added swagger stuff
added swagger deps
added swagger to autodiscover @DNetRestDocumentation annotated controllers and publish their documentation
added dnet-datasource-rest-api dependency. Enforcing the use of javax.servlet-api
updated dependency to openaire exporter
updated log4j
updated property to the IS host
allow webapp to see cnr-openaire-exporter SNAPSHOT
depending on updated cnr-openaire-exporter
numberOfThreads, connectTimeoutMs and readTimeoutMs as wf job node parameters
dnet-index-solr-service 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT includes solr 5, which we do not want for now.
trying to find out why you are not logging on node6.
Do not log spring cache stuff
log property file
Depending on updated version of OAI in order to use the modules with non deprecated classes of mongo driver v3.2.2
Cache management: it's a mess if we have more than one <cache:annotation-driven> instructions:- the container now has a dedicated application context for caches- logs to DEBUG for spring cache module
container context in agreement with the declaration in the pom.
Changed display name of the webapp
Ensure we use Saxon
depending on the latest version of cnr-openaire-exporter
trunk provision container depends on snapshots and includes cnr-openaire-exporter
Commented out cnr-openaire-exporter to update the provision container for production.
properties for OAI and openaire exporter
cnr-openaire-exporter moved to the dnet-container-provision module.
embrace the new locators
cleanup, added index configuration
depending on releases only
fixed svn path
localhost as hostname instead of Sandro's IP
updated logging, removed CONSOLE appender
Using released version of Vocabulary REST publisher
Using released version of OAI Publisher.
context set to provision
fixed properties
added ignore property
fixed pom dependencies
added new index service
logs pretty print dates as the IS container does
Using new version of OAI publisher.
closed range for OAI dependency. Added dep to vocabulary publisher.