added dnet-datasource-rest-api dependency. Enforcing the use of javax.servlet-api
using index service with OR default operator
updated dependency to openaire exporter
updated log4j
updated property to the IS host
bumped dep version for project exporter
depending on dnet-index-solr-service OR specific branch
introducing new streaming based implementation of project exporter
bumped dependency version
depending on dnet-deduplication >= 1.5.2, that avoids dnet-hadoop-parent and uses dnet-parent
do not introduce the default AND operator for queries until we are happy with the new parsing in cnr-cql-utils 2.0.1
allow webapp to see cnr-openaire-exporter SNAPSHOT
depending on updated cnr-openaire-exporter
reverted unlucky commit
using cnr-cql-utils >= 2.0.0
added container wise ehCache definitions, using updated fs-objectStore
using dnet-fs-objectstore >= 2.0.0 (easier access to pdf files from the rest controller)
indent pom
Added dependency to map-reduce-jobs
bumped dependency for dnet-deduplication to 1.5.1
bumped version range for dnet-openaireplus-workflows reverted to a nice state :)
depending on workflows >= 5.3.7-SNAPSHOT, otherwise it tries to fetch the dfm modules for java8
sticking to earlier version
added dependency on dnet-mapreduce-jobs
updated versions
depending on released mongo-logging
bumped dependencies for mongo mdstore and mongo-logging (new mongo driver 3.x)
depending on mongo-mdstore >= 5.0.0 and mongo-logging >= 2.0.0 (new mongo driver)
using HDFS-based ActionManager
Copied pom of beta to introduce the validation workflow in production and use the updated version of dnet-openaire-data-proto
reverted previous commit: 3.0.0 of dnet-data-transformation-service includes the suport for the validator blacklist, not yet for production
depending on dnet-data-transformation-service >= 3.0.0
depending on newer version of database service
numberOfThreads, connectTimeoutMs and readTimeoutMs as wf job node parameters
dnet-index-solr-service 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT includes solr 5, which we do not want for now.
trying to find out why you are not logging on node6.
Do not log spring cache stuff
log property file
Depending on updated version of OAI in order to use the modules with non deprecated classes of mongo driver v3.2.2
Updated dependency to mdstore, objectstore and mongo logging to include versions using the non-deprecated API of the 3.2.2 mongo driver
depending on mdstore version using the new 3.2.2 mongo API
ensure we do not take the solr5 version of the index
#1890: updated dependency dnet-modular-collector-service to include 3.3.0
implemented backlink
updated dependency to the correct released branch of dnet-openaire-blacklist
Updated dependency to dnet-openaire-blacklist
Fixed dependency range for database service
Using new version of the database service
Added ref to blacklist
depending on dnet-openaire-blacklist >= 1.0.0
log4j development mode
forcing dnet-openaire-data-protos:3.4.0
temporary excluding collector-service with sftp in order to not be affected by the rename of ftp2 to ftp (see #1808)
implemented publisher feature on DLI
now we can depend on any version of the 4.1.x branch of dnet-openaireplus-workflows
using mapping-utils 3.2.11
depending on mapping utils 3.3.0 for #1839
added objectstore-ui
logging xqueries on dedicated file
Logging xqueries in separate log
CONSOLE log should be disabled on remote machine
fixed landing page
Added first implementation of CYI mapping
fixed path of QUERIES appender to a location relative to CATALINA_BASE
Found a way to log the interceptors of xquieris log only in one file (thanks to the log4j additivityproperty)
commenting the CONSOLE appender for node6
using full path to QUERIES appender and a rotating logger
Need to log invocation time of xqueries in separate logger (QUERIES)
exluding dnet-deduplication 1.4.0: we need to refactor the transformations of provision workflows from classpath resources to transformation profile mappings.
Overriding default schemaTemplate with a customized one for Eagle purposes (ancient text with diacritics using ICU folding and analyzer)
using new range for dnet-data-transfromation-service
Using new version of transformator service supporting the validator's blacklist
We need to log the xqueries to check why the IS suffers
including validation workflow: dnet-openaireplus-workflows > 5.0.0, bumped version
Updated dli to index record in a different way
excluding dnet-openaireplus-workflows 4.2.0 as it contains the query to load from DB to HBASE with the new compatibility for dataset repositories
Depending on new versions of openaireplus workflows
added dependency to objectstore ui
First implementation of Harvesting and cleaning
edited pom
created a first version of trunk
created a new version of EFG