Edit profiles
profile deletion
ui refinements
fixed the bug of NullPointerExeption while mode parameter is not provided for prepareRepoRegistration.action
preparation for IS_validation
defined limit to the maximum number of counters
preparation for IS_backups
added a new log index
removed norm-space() for descriptions
introducing missing record_collapser property in job.properties
memory-related properties set
expected test corrected
updating expected record content
reordered browsing fields
fixing placeholder name
renaming workflow to ingest_pmc_plaintext
fixed wrong cardinality
Bulk importer for profiles and schemas
forcing properties about "metadata editor" to the first one encountered (according to D3.1)
#717 shortening app_path for primary workflow
correction in "decoration" cardinality
early definition of overall provision workflow
removed indentation
updating job.properties
-moved cleaning xsl-introduced lower-case fx for some xpath
removed "hamster references"
fixing output port names: removing default values for citation_pmc and dataset, setting proper output_citation_pmc in both preprocessing and primary workflows
#717 shortening app_path for preprocessing workflow and subworkflows
Register profile
Blackboard inspector
added new WF parameter
some updates in xslt
fixed the content-type of an ajax call
collection aware OAI store job nodes
removed unused spring-aop dependencies
removed unused aspectj dependencies
added datacite resource types to dnet:publication_resource ; added rights terms used by zenodo and datacite to dnet:access_modes
condition to show refresh button
Workflow duration
fixed a bug in action status update
changes target namespace for uoa-hcm
partial implementation
Context profiles will be fetched by the oozie process, so we pass the isLookupEndpoint as wf param