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Revision 56305

Merging trunk into branch newlinking 56242:56275

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                <h1 class="uk-width-3-4 font-41">Let’s set up a Science Gateway for your Community <b>Together</b></h1>
                <h1 class="uk-width-3-4 font-41">Let’s set up a Gateway for your Community <b>Together</b></h1>
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                <h5 class="uk-width-4-5@m uk-width-1-1@s">
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                  <div class="uk-margin-bottom">You don’t have to go alone.</div>
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                      In this stage, you get to talk to the OpenAIRE team. 
                      Share your expectations with us and let us give you all the details about the operational OpenAIRE services, which will be integrated into the Science Gateway for your community.
                      Share your expectations with us and let us give you all the details about the operational OpenAIRE services, which will be integrated into the Gateway for your community.
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                      Here are the most important questions that the OpenAIRE team will ask you, in order to understand your scope and goals:
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                    <h1 class="uk-margin-small">2. Develop a pilot</h1>
                    <i>We tranlate your needs into rules and processes and we configure operational OpenAIRE services.</i>
                    <i>We translate your needs into rules and processes and we configure operational OpenAIRE services.</i>
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                      Based on the information gathered in phase 1 “Analyse your needs”, the OpenAIRE team will set up a pilot Science Gateway. 
                      Based on the information gathered in phase 1 “Analyse your needs”, the OpenAIRE team will set up a pilot Gateway. 
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                      We will configure the OpenAIRE mining algorithms to identify research products of the OpenAIRE Graph that are relevant to your community. 
                      Those, together with some basic statistics, will be available in the pilot version of the Science Gateway that will be deployed on the OpenAIRE BETA infrastructure.
                      Those, together with some basic statistics, will be available in the pilot version of the Community Gateway that will be deployed on the OpenAIRE BETA infrastructure.
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                      The OpenAIRE team will give you a demo of the Science Gateway, with details on how to refine and update the configuration of the Science Gateway, both in terms of criteria for including research products and in terms of logo and visible portal pages.
                      The OpenAIRE team will give you a demo of the Community Gateway, with details on how to refine and update the configuration of the Community Gateway, both in terms of criteria for including research products and in terms of logo and visible portal pages.
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<!--                    <p>-->
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<!--                      You can find more details about the configuration options at <a>NAME OF PAGE???</a>-->
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                    <h1 class="uk-margin-small">3. Test and Validate</h1>
                    <i>You validate and test your new Science Gateway (portal). If needed, we further refine and adapt to your needs</i>
                    <i>You validate and test your new Community Gateway (portal). If needed, we further refine and adapt to your needs</i>
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                      Upon the completion of phase 2, take the time you need to test all its features, from search and browse for research products, to addition/removal of statistics from the portal. 
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                    <i>We jointly roll out your new portal. You take over the business operations and start engaging your researchers</i>
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                      Here we are: the coverage of research product is good, interesting statistics and charts have been selected, and the portal pages available for end-users are ready. 
                      We can roll out the Science Gateway and make it available to all the researchers of the community! 
                      Here we are: the coverage of research products is good, interesting statistics and charts have been selected, and the portal pages available for end-users are ready. 
                      We can roll out the Community Gateway and make it available to all the researchers of the community! 
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                      You, as a Science Gateway manager, become the main “promoter” of the Science Gateway. 
                      You, as a Community manager, become the main “promoter” of the Community Gateway. 
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                      Engage the researchers of your community and, when applicable, inform the managers of the research infrastructure about the availability of tools for impact monitoring.
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                      Remember that you will still be able to change the configuration of the Science Gateway in order to address any issue that may arise and to follow the evolution of the community (e.g. a new project or a new content provider that was not previously available in OpenAIRE).
                      Remember that you will still be able to change the configuration of the Community Gateway in order to address any issue that may arise and to follow the evolution of the community (e.g. a new project or a new content provider that was not previously available in OpenAIRE).
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                      Remember that you don’t have to go alone: the dedicated issue tracker you used in the “Test and Validate” phase is always available for you to contact the OpenAIRE team and ask for support.
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                <div class="uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-padding-large uk-margin-large-left uk-width-3-5@m">
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                    <div>Let us Help you Develop a Collaborative Science Gateway.</div>
                    <div>Let us help you develop a collaborative Open Science Gateway for your community.</div>
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                    <div>It is fast. It is reliable.</div>
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                  <div>Get in touch with our team to find out how.</div>

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