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Revision 59297

[use-UoaAdminToolsLibrary | Admin]
1. package.json: Upgrade version of @types/nodes.
2. app.component.html: [Bug fix] Remove "dark" property.
3. app.component.ts & dashboard.component.ts: Call method "ConnectHelper.setPortalTypeFromPid()" to set portal type according to pid.
4. community.ts: Add property "type".
5. div-help-content.ts & page-help-content.ts & page-help-content-form.component.ts & page-help-contents.component.html & div-help-content-form.component.ts: Property "community" renamed to "portal".
6. divId.ts & page.ts & page-form.component.ts & divId-form.component.ts: Removed properties "openaire", "connect", "community" and added "portalType".
7. communities.component.html: Add column "type" | In <community-form> add input "update" set to true when opening update modal.
8. communities.component.ts: In "editCommunity()" disable "type" in form | In "filterCommunities()" search by type too.
9. community-form.component.html: Add select for portal type | Replace word community with portal.
10. community-form.component.ts: Add input property "update" set to false | "type" added in form.
11. div-help-contents.component.ts & edit-div-help-content.component.ts & new-div-help-content.component.ts &
edit-page-help-content.component.ts & new-page-help-content.component.ts & page-help-contents.component.ts:
Redirect when properties.adminToolsPortalType != page.portalType.
12. page-form.component.html & divId-form.component.html: Checkboxes became radio buttons for portal type selection.
13. pages.component.html: Add "portalType" column when no specific community is selected.
14. divIds.component.html: Add "portalType" column.
15. pages.component.ts:
a. In "editPage()" disable "portalType" in form and in "newPage()" and "pageUpdateConfirmed()" (before updating) enable it.
b. In "filterPages()" search by portal type too.
16. divIds.component.ts:
a. In "editDivId()" disable "portalType" in form and in "newDivId()" and "divIdUpdateConfirmed()" (before updating) enable it.
b. In "filterDivIds()" search by portalType too.
17. help-content.service.ts:
a. Rename "community" parameters to "portal".
b. In API paths replace "community" with "{{properties.adminToolsPortalType}}" (in "saveCommunity() and "updateCommunity()" use "community.type").
18. environment.ts & environment.beta.ts & Add property: adminToolsPortalType: "community".

View differences:

5 5
    _id: string;
6 6
    pid: string;
7 7
    name: string;
    type: string;
8 9
    entities: string[] | Entity[];
9 10
    pages: string[] | Page[];
10 11

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