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Revision 59352

1. help-content.service.ts:
a. Improve method names.
b. Change paths for community related methods to be in the form "/portalType/pid/..." (needed for authorization in service).
2. affiliations.component.ts: Replace "getPageByRoute()" with "getCommunityPageByRoute()".
3. divId-form.component.ts: No need to read "communityId" url param | Replace "getPages()" with "getAllPages()".
4. divIds.component.ts: Replace "getDivIdsFull()" with "getAllDivIdsFull()".
5. div-help-content-form.component.ts: Replace "getDivIdsFull()" with "getDivIdsFullByPageAndPortal()".
6. div-help-contents.component.ts: Replace "getPage()" with "getPageByPortal()" | In "deleteDivHelpContents()" and "toggleDivHelpContents()" add pid parameter.
7. edit-div-help-content.component.ts: Replace "getPage()" with "getPageByPortal()" | In "getDivHelpContent()", "getDivIdFull()" and "insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent()" add pid parameter.
8. new-div-help-content.component.ts: Replace "getPage()" with "getPageByPortal()" | In "insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent()" add pid parameter.
9. edit-page-help-content.component.ts: Replace "getPage()" with "getPageByPortal()" | In "getPageHelpContent()" and "updatePageHelpContent()" add pid parameter.
10 .new-page-help-content.component.ts: Replace "getPage()" with "getPageByPortal()" | In "savePageHelpContent()" add pid parameter.
11. page-help-content-form.component.ts: Replace "getPage()" with "getPageByPortal()" | Replace "getPages()" with "getCommunityPagesWithPositions()".
12. page-help-contents.component.ts:
a. Replace "getPage()" with "getPageByPortal()" OR "getCommunityPagesWithPositions()".
b. In "deletePageHelpContents()" and "togglePageHelpContents()" add pid parameter.
13. edit-htmlpage-content.component.ts: Replace "getPage()" with "getPageByPortal()".
14. pages.component.ts:
a. Replace "getCommunityPages()" with "getCommunityPagesByType()".
b. Replace "getPagesFull()" with "getAllPagesFull()".
c. Rename "getPagesFromDivIds()" to "getPageIdsFromDivIds()".

View differences:

116 116
        //this.showLoading = true;
117 117
        this.errorMessage = '';
118 118

        this._helpContentService.getDivIdsFull(pageId,, this.communityPid).subscribe(
        this._helpContentService.getDivIdsFullByPageAndPortal(pageId,, this.communityPid).subscribe(
120 120
            divs => {
121 121
              this.availableDivs = divs;
122 122
              this.pageId = pageId;

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