ignore intellij file
removed intellij file
intellij file
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common-6.0.2
Avoid HTTP eror when evicting cache
Additional logs to confirm we can and must improve how the result list is prepared and returned to the caller
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common-6.0.1
Log request that generated a non OAI-protocol exception
Using commons.lang3 and removed useless throws declaration
Log only exception message when it is an OAI-related exception
intellij file update
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common-6.0.0
depending on released parent
bumped version and updated dependency to oai-utils
no parallel build
migrated to dnet45
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system