


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
48609 18/07/2017 05:32 PM Alessia Bardi

Added tara Pangaea projects in test, which is now ignored as it connects to the remote Pangaea API

48032 28/06/2017 02:33 PM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

48031 28/06/2017 02:33 PM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-collector-plugins-1.3.4

48030 28/06/2017 02:33 PM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-collector-plugins-1.3.4

48029 28/06/2017 02:32 PM Claudio Atzori

fixed pom

48028 28/06/2017 02:30 PM Claudio Atzori

integrated latest changes from dnet40

45336 12/01/2017 04:41 PM Claudio Atzori

migrated to dnet45

45295 11/01/2017 11:12 AM Claudio Atzori

migrated to dnet45

45294 11/01/2017 11:11 AM Claudio Atzori

codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system