[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-index-client-2.3.2-solr75
cannot use property apache.solr.version until we update the released dnet45-parent
[maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of dnet-index-client-2.3.2-solr75
depending on dnet-index-solr-common:2.3.2-solr75-SNAPSHOT
fixed client initialisation
updated paths in solr75 specific deploy.info files
branch for solr 7.5.0
using apache commons lang3
specific version name
consolidated index modules and updated to solr 7.2.0
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-index-client-2.3.1
depending on released parent
migrated to dnet45
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system