branch to work on the hbase model simplification
force gson to serialise dates inside the map as long (the ES mapping assumes to find such type)
force gson to serialise dates in a format that can be undrestood by ElasticSearch
Fixed date parsing in OAI
#3110 Support incremental harvesting: setting dateOfTransformation as datestamp whenever available
one more mapping test
fixing mapping for license vs accessright #3128, cleanup
getting rid of person entities
upgraded solr version to 6.6.0
more tests
temporairly ignoring some tests
some java8 refactorings, added more tests for the software entities mapping
integrated latest changes from dnet40
implemented use of opt in/out rules for entity fields (#2557).depending on specific solrj version (thus excluding cdh6.X versions)
just to let the test compile
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system