#4008: refereed field as property of the result instance and supported both from OAF and ODF.
added currency in ProjectOrganization
adding processing charges ticket #4468
extended model to include project summary and monetary information #4968
journal element can also be added to datasource entities
#4008 : added refereed field in Result metadata
added repeated StringField alternativeNames in Organization.proto
allow multiple Context.dataInfo
removed field 'result.type', as already covered by 'result.resourceType'
fixed numeric tags
added result specific fields to align with the guidelines
added author pids and affiliation strings
bumped version, added DataInfo.invisible field
fixing mapping for license vs accessright #3128
getting rid of person entities, replaced Result.Person with Result.Metadata.Author
getting rid of person entities
introducing software entities, yay
reverting to r47999 , before the Software entities introduction
introducing software entities, yay again
added fields collectedfrom and dateofacceptance to the instance type
Journal info and fixed affiliation relname
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system