


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
57309 08/10/2019 03:00 PM Miriam Baglioni

Updated transformations to match #4969

57276 07/10/2019 11:24 AM Miriam Baglioni

Transformation rules modified to consider also funded amount and summary for the projects. Not all the rules consider both the updates (not all the funders provide both funded amount and summary for the project) ref #4965

57243 02/10/2019 05:35 PM Miriam Baglioni

transformation rule fro Russian Science Foundation

57242 02/10/2019 05:35 PM Miriam Baglioni

Change the namespaceprefix of the funder and the funder name and shortcut

55462 02/05/2019 12:23 PM Miriam Baglioni

updated for new funding stream information

55391 16/04/2019 07:49 PM Alessia Bardi

FIXES #4427#note-4: not all orgs are finnish

55150 02/04/2019 10:34 AM Alessia Bardi

handle case no funding is given for SNSF projects

54780 14/02/2019 12:07 PM Miriam Baglioni

changed transformation rule to match the new data

54701 05/02/2019 04:18 PM Miriam Baglioni

commented optional2 because of lenght constraints in the field optional2 in the db

54700 05/02/2019 03:35 PM Miriam Baglioni

moved jsonextrainfo to optional2 due to mining issues

54699 05/02/2019 11:16 AM Miriam Baglioni

moved info in jsonextrainfo to optional2

54639 23/01/2019 06:47 PM Miriam Baglioni

the format of start and end date was wrong. Changed from dd-MM-yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy

54302 11/12/2018 03:08 PM Alessia Bardi

Added CDATA and fixed escaping of & due to the copy from beta

54301 11/12/2018 03:01 PM Alessia Bardi

Copied RCUK transformation from BETA

54300 11/12/2018 02:39 PM Alessia Bardi

Table organizations does not exist anymore: using dsm_organizations

54082 03/12/2018 03:39 PM Alessia Bardi

Sorry for the previous commit: error was on a non-closed comment, not the varDataSourceId

54081 03/12/2018 03:36 PM Alessia Bardi

varDatasourceId: re-added $

54080 03/12/2018 03:35 PM Alessia Bardi

varDatasourceId: because the transformator is case sensitive

53969 26/11/2018 03:01 PM Alessia Bardi

SNSF mapping: funding amount in optional1 and no jsonextrainfo due to a bug in the inference algorithm #2456#note-25

53946 23/11/2018 05:47 PM Miriam Baglioni

fixed quot problem in the jsonextrainfo field

53945 23/11/2018 05:46 PM Miriam Baglioni

update of transformation rule to consider info for funded amount and country of the involved organization

53944 23/11/2018 05:35 PM Miriam Baglioni

transormation for new RPF funder

53938 23/11/2018 02:05 PM Alessia Bardi

namespace prefix must be 12 chars, not 13

53889 20/11/2018 11:21 AM Alessia Bardi

fixed variable name

53888 20/11/2018 10:50 AM Alessia Bardi

fixed variable name

53335 28/09/2018 05:40 PM Miriam Baglioni

added the country of the funder to the organizations

53219 21/09/2018 03:50 PM Miriam Baglioni

transformation rules for innoviris funder

53218 21/09/2018 03:50 PM Miriam Baglioni

fix in the transformation rules

53143 17/09/2018 02:48 PM Alessia Bardi

Added CDATA back in fudner TDS rules whenever needed.

53139 17/09/2018 12:07 PM Alessia Bardi

it seems that when we have if with > or < we MUST use CDATA, otherwise we get 'javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Error reported by XML parser'

53129 14/09/2018 05:15 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed xslt

53128 14/09/2018 05:06 PM Alessia Bardi

Do not use CDATA in TDS so that the XSLT will be properly rendered in the UIs.

53108 12/09/2018 03:52 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed orgid generation

52975 22/08/2018 02:57 PM Alessia Bardi

Node to set the funder acronym for transformation is not usable together with TDS and transformator service. The funder acronym must be cabled into the transformation rules. For Croatian projects we must create 2 distinct TDS.

52967 08/08/2018 06:53 PM Miriam Baglioni

fixes dms_organization colum name (countryclass -> country)

52966 08/08/2018 05:52 PM Miriam Baglioni

fixes dms_organization colum name (countryclass -> country)

52845 31/07/2018 02:26 PM Alessia Bardi

role column does not exist

52423 08/06/2018 06:08 PM Alessia Bardi

TDS rules added to beta: now they have their full resource identifiers.

52420 08/06/2018 05:53 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed fields for project_organization table

52419 08/06/2018 05:48 PM Alessia Bardi

NIH rule requires to be embedded into an xml

52416 08/06/2018 05:45 PM Alessia Bardi

Tranformation rules registered on beta: now they have a full resource identifier

52415 08/06/2018 05:44 PM Alessia Bardi

nmapping NIH

52391 07/06/2018 06:31 PM Alessia Bardi

RCUK to DB: Added namespace for person xpath

52372 06/06/2018 10:24 AM Miriam Baglioni

minor fix

52370 06/06/2018 09:52 AM Miriam Baglioni

parentDatasourceId substituted with varDataSourceID. namespacePrefix encoded within the transformation as xsl:variable

52369 05/06/2018 05:41 PM Miriam Baglioni

alignement of transformation with last version of project_organization table

52368 05/06/2018 05:11 PM Alessia Bardi

fixed variable with xsl:choose

52355 04/06/2018 06:28 PM Alessia Bardi

profile id

52349 04/06/2018 05:44 PM Alessia Bardi

set ids

52337 04/06/2018 04:09 PM Miriam Baglioni

adding lastupdate and deletion of obsolete attributes of dsm_organizations table

52335 04/06/2018 03:39 PM Alessia Bardi

Setting lastupdate for orgs and projects + fixed some fields

52334 04/06/2018 03:35 PM Miriam Baglioni

modified transformation to reflect changes in the db

52333 04/06/2018 03:17 PM Miriam Baglioni

added transformation rule for miur

52332 04/06/2018 03:10 PM Miriam Baglioni

changed table organizations in dsm_organizations

52329 04/06/2018 03:00 PM Alessia Bardi

deleted useless file

52327 04/06/2018 02:58 PM Alessia Bardi

TDS rules for funders instead of XSLT in the classpath. To be revised to set: lastupdate and other changes related to the new db model for dsm.