


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
60696 23/03/2021 04:47 PM Alessia Bardi

deleted tmp transformation of re3data because it served the need it was created for (transition to new identifiers for organisations based also on country).

60652 16/03/2021 01:40 PM Miriam Baglioni

TR for publication downloaded from datacite. Datacite API: "" returned metadata in json format

60649 15/03/2021 03:13 PM Alessia Bardi

empty organisations category

60479 23/02/2021 03:23 PM Alessia Bardi

Default access right set to RESTRICTED instead of CLOSED

60478 23/02/2021 03:21 PM Alessia Bardi

Removed Java unsecape on title. Should fix issue with hostedby setting and XML parsing

60475 23/02/2021 02:25 PM Alessia Bardi

Synced with version available on beta

60438 16/02/2021 11:27 AM Miriam Baglioni

TR for ukri and gsri (formerly rcuk and gsrt)

60435 16/02/2021 11:24 AM Miriam Baglioni

TR for new funder chist-era

60431 16/02/2021 10:47 AM Miriam Baglioni

new TR for data got from the API

60430 16/02/2021 10:43 AM Miriam Baglioni

TR for new funder SFRS (Serbia)

60429 16/02/2021 10:42 AM Miriam Baglioni

added information about funded amount and organization

60428 16/02/2021 10:38 AM Miriam Baglioni

information regarding institution added

60427 16/02/2021 10:37 AM Miriam Baglioni

added in the TR specific rules for the institution code. Modification of the tables dsm_identities and dsm_organizationpids

60352 03/02/2021 05:07 PM Alessia Bardi

#6293 let's set the oaf:identifier also

60350 03/02/2021 12:13 PM Alessia Bardi

#6293 New rule for transforming datasets from the EU Open Data portal

60329 01/02/2021 01:01 PM Miriam Baglioni

changed TR for new data with more information

60296 26/01/2021 05:38 PM Alessia Bardi

#6297: profile for Galaxy community

60281 22/01/2021 04:39 PM Alessia Bardi

textgrid: ids are not handles

60112 10/12/2020 10:59 AM Alessia Bardi

RCUK: this rule goes to production.
More precision for dateAccepted.
Set DE country for TextGrid
Fix namespacePrefix for some generated elements: datacite prefix, not oai
Fixed FWF variable for project links
Attempt to handle the relatedIdentifiers

59919 19/11/2020 04:51 PM Miriam Baglioni

updated UKRI instead of RCUK

59918 19/11/2020 04:48 PM Miriam Baglioni

new TR as found on beta aggregator

59917 19/11/2020 04:38 PM Miriam Baglioni

TR updated UKRI instead of RCUK

59916 19/11/2020 04:35 PM Miriam Baglioni

crossref2dc_frontiers new TR as found on beta aggregator

59915 19/11/2020 04:26 PM Miriam Baglioni

update UKRI instead of RCUK

59914 19/11/2020 04:24 PM Miriam Baglioni

new TR as found in beta aggregator

59913 19/11/2020 03:29 PM Miriam Baglioni

updated version with rules for the funders

59912 19/11/2020 03:27 PM Miriam Baglioni

updated version UKRI instead of RCUK

59911 19/11/2020 03:25 PM Miriam Baglioni

update UKRI instead of RCUK

59910 19/11/2020 03:23 PM Miriam Baglioni

updated for UKRI instead of RCUK

59909 19/11/2020 03:15 PM Miriam Baglioni

updated version with rules for the funders

59905 19/11/2020 11:54 AM Miriam Baglioni


59898 18/11/2020 10:11 AM Alessia Bardi

Country DE for TextGrid items

59896 17/11/2020 07:11 PM Alessia Bardi

Use Issued date for oaf:dateAccepted, when available, instead of publicationYear

59895 17/11/2020 05:51 PM Alessia Bardi

using datacite kernel3 namespace instead of wrong oai namespace

59833 13/11/2020 10:15 AM Alessia Bardi

comment on ee/sdsn-gr

59819 11/11/2020 05:31 PM Alessia Bardi

CDATA to avoid issues when copy&paste on the IS

59818 11/11/2020 05:18 PM Alessia Bardi

Added xslt in CDATA to avoid problems on copy&paste on IS

59793 06/11/2020 12:19 PM Alessia Bardi

Identifier element should contain the full URL of the handle

59688 24/10/2020 01:36 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated rule for re3data orgs: id also based on country and mapping PIDs issued by ROR, VIAF, doi, and RRID

59687 24/10/2020 01:30 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed xslt for OpenDOAR. Using xslt2.0 caused some xpaths to not work anymore and need the embedding in CDATA element

59670 23/10/2020 03:08 PM Alessia Bardi

remove quotes from ids

59669 23/10/2020 12:44 PM Alessia Bardi

Mapping also organisation identifiers that are issued by ROR, VIAF and RRID

59665 23/10/2020 11:16 AM Alessia Bardi

#6000: temporary transformation rules to fix organizations from re3data and opendoar

59663 22/10/2020 05:00 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated to version used in production

59662 22/10/2020 04:47 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated with version running on production

59658 22/10/2020 01:11 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated profile and renamed context from ee to sdsn-gr as agreed with ARC

59625 19/10/2020 05:47 PM Alessia Bardi

Simplified and fixed mapping for Nakala

59527 08/10/2020 06:55 PM Alessia Bardi

Special rule for Nakala on DARIAH until we can implement a tagging criteria based on content providers and resulttypes.

59526 08/10/2020 06:55 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated to version available on production

59437 19/09/2020 08:45 PM Alessia Bardi

fix generation of handle in oaf:identifier

59360 10/09/2020 01:09 PM Alessia Bardi

Removed reference to community that has nkothing to deal with MES

59295 27/08/2020 02:58 PM Alessia Bardi

initial profile for SoBigData RI

59208 03/08/2020 11:27 AM Alessia Bardi

Fixed collectedFrom and hostedBy element names

59139 16/07/2020 06:11 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated profile with new context id

59098 13/07/2020 07:03 PM Alessia Bardi

Fine tuned TDS for crossref covid19, to be used with WHO COVID-19 database data source

59089 13/07/2020 03:34 PM Alessia Bardi

TDS for covid-19 from Crossref

59000 26/06/2020 03:00 PM Alessia Bardi

No UNKNOWN funding streams for FP7

58988 24/06/2020 05:30 PM Alessia Bardi

Added subjects for enermaps profile

58987 24/06/2020 05:29 PM Alessia Bardi

#5737 profile for DESIRA community created as a copy of AgInfra

58867 08/06/2020 10:51 AM Alessia Bardi

Context profile for Enermaps

58843 04/06/2020 06:24 PM Alessia Bardi

#5672: fixed oaf:dateofacceptance for Datacite

58808 29/05/2020 07:00 PM Alessia Bardi

#5652 discard datacite records that were withdrawn

58612 06/05/2020 01:04 PM Alessia Bardi

Collectedfrom and hostedby

58578 29/04/2020 05:39 PM Alessia Bardi

DOI for ORCID claims

58519 22/04/2020 07:52 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixes #5355, at least in part (we could map other properties, like DOI, but I do not understand how to do it with the transformation script language)

58518 22/04/2020 06:17 PM Alessia Bardi

Added also clinicaltrials among the providers

58510 17/04/2020 08:08 PM Alessia Bardi

Added H2020 projects to covid community, even if the projects are not yet indexed, they will be soon.

58509 16/04/2020 05:45 PM Alessia Bardi

Improved mapping for creators, dates, keywords, publisher

58328 25/03/2020 06:57 PM Claudio Atzori


58325 23/03/2020 05:32 PM Claudio Atzori

added decision tree based organization dedup configurations

58324 23/03/2020 05:13 PM Claudio Atzori

added hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize=0 to avoid error KeyValue size too large from hbase client

58313 20/03/2020 05:46 PM Alessia Bardi

Transformation rule for

58312 20/03/2020 04:45 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated id : covid-19

58300 18/03/2020 07:11 PM Alessia Bardi

More keywords and selection criteria

58294 18/03/2020 09:19 AM Claudio Atzori

openaireLayoutToRecordStylesheet included as IS profile, used by the data provision workflow run on the OCEAN hadoop cluster

58293 18/03/2020 09:18 AM Claudio Atzori

hadoop job for the submission of an arbitrary oozie workflow on the OCEAN hadoop cluster

58292 18/03/2020 09:17 AM Claudio Atzori

infospace export procedure produces a set of newline-delimited json text files, organized in folders, one per entity type, plus one dedicated to relationships

58278 16/03/2020 04:11 PM Alessia Bardi

Added relvant content provider with criteria

58272 16/03/2020 01:01 PM Alessia Bardi

First version of covid19 community

58270 16/03/2020 12:43 PM Alessia Bardi

Trying to not set the Finnish country unless we are sure.

58269 16/03/2020 12:11 PM Michele Artini

profiles for migration of entities from mongo/postgres to hadoop (DHP)

58056 05/02/2020 11:45 AM Alessia Bardi

it looks like some records have two biotoolsID, hence let's take the first one.

58051 03/02/2020 12:20 PM Alessia Bardi

#5297: mappings for the European Environment Agency

58049 03/02/2020 10:47 AM Miriam Baglioni

update parameter name to match the name in the corresponding mapper class

58048 03/02/2020 10:26 AM Miriam Baglioni

updated hadoop profile for new implementation of composite keys

58044 30/01/2020 05:29 PM Alessia Bardi

Default Zenodo community for RISIS exists. Now it is set.

58043 30/01/2020 05:25 PM Alessia Bardi

#5284: profile for RISIS RCD

57958 07/01/2020 11:34 AM Miriam Baglioni

changed transformation to insert the project acronym when the project title is not present

57953 24/12/2019 03:44 PM Miriam Baglioni

change the ANR 2 DB transformation to consider projects without title. This projects will be removed from the collected set

57826 05/12/2019 05:29 PM Miriam Baglioni

Hadoop job configuration for propagation of product to organization both for direct ownership of the product by the datasource that provides the organization, and for semantic relationship with a product that belongs to the organization

57825 05/12/2019 05:27 PM Miriam Baglioni

added property propagatetoorcid.semanticrelation to list the set of semantic relations allowed for propagation

57824 05/12/2019 05:25 PM Miriam Baglioni

Implementation of InstOrgKeys moved in a general folder. Changed in the profiule the path to found the key and the comparator

57823 05/12/2019 05:24 PM Miriam Baglioni

remved a space in the list of allowed semantic relation (it produced a wrong relation that was never found during map reduce)

57822 05/12/2019 05:23 PM Miriam Baglioni

added property propagatetocommunity.semanticrelation to express the set of semantic relations allowed for propagation

57802 03/12/2019 05:24 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed hostedby identifiers

57756 28/11/2019 04:45 PM Miriam Baglioni

update of the TR for corda, fwf, and arc

57755 28/11/2019 04:45 PM Miriam Baglioni

transformation rule for ANR (anr2db)

57753 28/11/2019 04:36 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

57752 28/11/2019 04:36 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-profiles-1.0.35

57751 28/11/2019 04:36 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-profiles-1.0.35