HelloWorldService.java: in method for path 'project/claims' return claims: either if user's email is included in 'contact_person' field of 'project' table of postgres databaase or if user has 'Curator - Project' role.
add more roles for community curators | distinct admin and claim curators
fixing issues with types filter - change the parameter for types
add better logs
add a logger
use the email from the userinfo
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release uoa-claims-api-2.0.2
change the roles | handle common roles with openminted | change role parsing
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release uoa-claims-api-2.0.1
removed SNAPSHOT from version
Removing thrift leftovers
correct error code in 403 messages.
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release uoa-claims-api-2.0.0
Bring back SNAPSHOT in dnet parent and module version
Fixed scm
MERGE newClaimsAPI 42190:48301
Changes for java8/dnet45 migration.
Copy for Java8 migration