New api changes
1. Remove cookie2. Change href values on landpage and dashboard logos.
1. Modify web.xml file2. Add check cookie methods on user service. Delete code for login/register/activate profile3. Disable #login/#register uri's
1. AAI communication established2. Move validator methods to back end.
1. COnfiguration for aai
New aai branch
svn merge -r 50056:HEAD
Added 2 files that forgot to add on the previous commit
Changed the landing page to a new one
Removed the hovering from the badges
More changes on the listOrGrid presentation of the user's repositories
Removed the subheaders from the listOrGrid of repositories (choose...) and changed the title of the update repositories page
Fixed the css of the wizard
Moved the browse validation history to the proper menu and created an empty placeholder for the monitoring
Changed the top right menu with the new name (provide), changed the logos and the colour scheme with a new one, and added a favicon
Changed the landing page with a new one
Updated the metrics configuration instructions
Changed the signIn and Register button, as well as the button with the user's name after signing in. Also, logout is in a dropwdown which opens when hovering over the user's name. Finally changed the discover/share menu on the top toolbar to explore.
merged (again...) newAPI branch to trunk.
merged newAPI branch
Uncommented the call to the piwik generation script and replaced it with the mock one
Finished the integration of the usage statistics to the repository dashboard
svn merge -r49522:HEAD .
finished migration to dnet45
Copying to move to dnet45