release 5.1.4-PROD
release 5.1.4-BETA
bumped version to use latest version of dnet-directindex-api and avoid problem with class loading
bumped version for dependency to directindex-api that do not cause problems with class loading
version 5.1.2-PROD
release 5.1.2-BETA
release 5.1.1-BETA
version 5.1.1-PROD
use version 3.0.0 of dnet-index-solr-common for claims compliant with the latest schema of Solr (no __dsid)
release 5.0.19-BETA
new release 5.0.18 (BETA)
new release 5.0.19-PROD
new release 5.0.17-BETA
release 5.0.16-BETA
release 5.0.18-PROD: new fields in search api table
release 5.0.15-BETA
bumped pom version
bumped version for new release with updated rest plugin
adjusted dependencies, bumped version
release 5.0.15-PROD for update of the eosc_services collector plugin
release 5.0.12-BETA with new version of the eosc collector plugin
release 5.0.14-PROD openaireplus-workflows version with IIS parameter for EOSC services
release 5.0.11-BETA with new version of openaireplus-workflows with IIS param for EOSC services
release 5.0.10-BETA
release 5.0.13-PROD
release 5.0.12-PROD
release 5.0.9-BETA
release 5.0.11-PROD
release 5.0.8-beta
bumped version for upgrading unibi-data-collective-transformation-common to version 3.0.3
new release (eosc services)
update of module versions
new branch for eosc update, to merge in trunk ASAP
branch to maintain the latest version before eosc services update
bumped version for UKRI workaround
release 5.0.7
release 5.0.6
release 5.0.5
release 5.0.4
release 5.0.3
new version
version 5.0.1
update dependencies (eosc services)
fixed log4j dependency
new branch for eosc services
bumped version
beta version updated
updated dependency to openaireplus-workflows (fixing feed claims)
forcing dnet-pace-core:3.0.14
depend on specific dnet-pace-core version
exclude dnet-pace-core from transitive deps
creating branch for tree-dedup
depending on version > 7.0.0 of opwnaireplus-workflows (i.e. after dhp merge)
using s3 objectstore
adjusted dependencies
increased version of openaireplus-workflows for fixing error on switch indexes
including solr75 dependencies
updated version of objectStore dependency
New version of openaireplus-workflows
increase dep version to workflows
using dnet-openaireplus-workflows:6.2.29
using dnet-deduplication enforcing solrj 4.9
wrong name
added dependency to the new objectStore on s3
included latest dnet-openaireplus-workflows:6.3.28 - fixed property injection
included latest dnet-openaireplus-workflows:6.3.27 - debugging wget on api cache evict
avoiding conflicts with solr75 versions, added dnet-index-client
avoiding conflicts with solr75 versions
bumped version deps to include latest solr75 releases
bumped dependency to dnet-openaireplus-workflows:6.3.26-solr75
bumped version of dnet-openaireplus-workflows:6.3.25-solr75
including solr75 specific releases to BETA
Updated dep to openaire-blacklist
Exclude new mdstoreUI: Let's use the old one until we fix it for #3654.
integrated changes form the beta branch
using the correct version of mapreduce-jobs and, thereofre, mapping-utils
pom indentation
depending on specific version of dnet-openaireplus-workflows 6.1.9-patchDirectIndexing to include in production the fix about parsing xml from Zenodo + upgrade of jdbc driver without commons-dbcp2
Depending on msro version before the use of new datasource manager
Depending on latest modular-repositories-ui release before using the new datasource manager
Depending on the latest version of openaireplus-workflows that does not use the new datasource manager.
added dnet-modular-mdstore-ui reverted to 50442
Fixed dep to dnet-hadoop-service
deps aligned with beta: authors removal from production
use old release of hadoop-service
restrict dependency in order to exclude most recent solr6 specific changes
restrict version range in order to include mapping-utils 6.0.4 and exclude 6.1.0 onward
fixed pom