The OpenAIRE APIs can be accessed over HTTPS both by authenticated and unauthenticated requests. To achieve better rate limits you need to make authenticated requests.

OpenAIRE APIs Rate limits
Not authenticated requests up to 60 requests per hour
Authenticated requests up to 2500 request per hour
OpenAIRE APIs can be used for both authentication and authorization. Our OAuth 2.0 implementation, conforms to the OpenID Connect specification, and is OpenID Certified. OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. For more information about OAuth2.0 please visit the OAuth2.0 official site. For more information about OpenID Connect please visit the OpenID Connect official site.


To access the OpenAIRE APIs with better rate limits, send your access token using the Authorization header.

                     Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}

To get an access token, we support personal access token creation and service registration.

Response Headers

x-ratelimit-limit The maximum number of requests allowed for the client in one time window.
x-ratelimit-used The number of requests already made by the client in the current time window.

The OpenAIRE APIs use a sliding time window of one hour.

Error Messages

404 - Not found

                           "error": "Not found",
                           "description": "Invald request path."

403 - Invalid Access Token

                              "error": "Token invalid",
                              "description": "Authorization header value invalid."

429 - Rate limit abuse for unauthenticated user

                              "error": "Too many requests",
                              "description": "Request rate exceeded. Slow down."

429 - Rate limit abuse

                              "error": "Too many requests",
                              "description": "Request rate exceeded. Slow down."
   Unless otherwise indicated, all materials created by OpenAIRE are licenced under CC ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE.