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Revision 62608

Added by Alex Martzios over 1 year ago

PRIVATE : Rename OpenAIRE Research Graph to OpenAIRE Graph

View differences:

112 112
113 113
									<h2 class="uk-text-center">Selective Access</h2>
114 114
										The OpenAIRE HTTP API allows developers to access metadata records of the OpenAIRE Research Graph by performing queries over publications, datasets, and projects.
										The OpenAIRE HTTP API allows developers to access metadata records of the OpenAIRE Graph by performing queries over publications, datasets, and projects.
116 116
										The API is intended for metadata discovery and exploration only, that is it does not give direct access to publication files and it does not provide access to
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										the whole information space: the number of total results returned by one query is limited to 10,000. For accessing the whole graph, developers are
										encouraged to use the <a href="./graph-dumps.html">OpenAIRE Research Graph dumps</a>.<br>
										encouraged to use the <a href="./graph-dumps.html">OpenAIRE Graph dumps</a>.<br>
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