Developers' Best Practices » History » Version 6
Alessia Bardi, 06/10/2014 02:30 PM
Updated info about how to release a module.
1 | 1 | Alessia Bardi | h1. Developers' Best Practices |
2 | |||
3 | 3 | Claudio Atzori | It is time for D-Net development teams to find a strategy to improve our developement work! |
4 | 1 | Alessia Bardi | |
5 | The introduction of Jenkins and Nexus helped a lot in terms of code management, but now it is time to establish a set of guidelines to better co-ordinate our teams. |
6 | The following best practices are inspired by CNR developers' common sense, so we do not assume they are written in stones and applies as they are also in your cases. |
7 | |||
8 | So, you are strongly invited to comment/update this wiki page, so that we can reach a consensus. |
9 | 3 | Claudio Atzori | |
10 | h2. Coding |
11 | |||
12 | Most of the D-Net modules have been migrated to from the old build system ant to maven. This implies some changes to the module directories and files, here's the migration guide: |
13 | |
14 | |||
15 | Maven compliant D-Net module structure: |
16 | |||
17 | <pre> |
18 | . |
19 | ├── pom.xml |
20 | ├── src |
21 | │ ├── main |
22 | │ │ ├── java |
23 | │ │ │ └── eu |
24 | │ │ │ └── dnetlib |
25 | │ │ └── resources |
26 | │ │ └── eu |
27 | │ │ └── dnetlib |
28 | │ └── test |
29 | │ ├── java |
30 | │ │ └── eu |
31 | │ │ └── dnetlib |
32 | │ └── resources |
33 | │ └── eu |
34 | │ └── dnetlib |
35 | └── target |
36 | └── classes |
37 | </pre> |
38 | |||
39 | Hint: consider to define the svn:ignore property, set on the module root |
40 | |||
41 | <pre> |
42 | cd <MODULE_NAME> |
43 | svn pe svn:ignore . |
44 | |||
45 | .classpath |
46 | .project |
47 | .settings |
48 | target |
49 | </pre> |
50 | 1 | Alessia Bardi | |
51 | h2. Branching |
52 | |||
53 | It is always recommended to create a new branch when performing heavy changes to a module, rather than directly into trunk. |
54 | |||
55 | 2 | Claudio Atzori | h2. Use CI: trust Jenkins! |
56 | 1 | Alessia Bardi | |
57 | The developer should clean the @.m2/repository/eu@ local repository from time to time to be sure that there are no modules installed locally. |
58 | |||
59 | Modules should be downloaded from Nexus in order to properly resolve dependencies. |
60 | |||
61 | 5 | Alessia Bardi | h2. Maven dependencies |
62 | |||
63 | For information about version conflict resolution with Maven3: |
64 | * |
65 | * |
66 | |||
67 | Generally speaking, we suggest to use the keyword @LATEST@ to refer to the last available artifact (snapshot or release) for a module. |
68 | Keep in mind that Maven3 considers: |
69 | @1.0-alpha-1 < 1.0-beta-1 < 1.0-SNAPSHOT < 1.0 < 1.1-SNAPSHOT@ |
70 | |||
71 | 6 | Alessia Bardi | h3. How to change the version number of a snapshot? |
72 | 1 | Alessia Bardi | |
73 | Depending on the kind of changes you can decide to increase the artifact version according to the following guidelines: |
74 | * BIG CHANGES impact the MAJOR version number. Ex. @0.0.1 --> 1.0.0@ |
75 | ** Examples of big changes are: updates to service interfaces, shared libraries, new functionalities. |
76 | * MINOR CHANGES impact the MINOR version number. Ex. @1.2.5 --> 1.3.0@ |
77 | ** Examples of minor changes are: service internals, non-shared code and libraries, important bug fixes. |
78 | * BUG FIXES impact the BUILD version number. Ex. @1.4.2 --> 1.4.3@ |
79 | ** Examples are small bug fixes that do not affect other components |
80 | |||
81 | 6 | Alessia Bardi | h2. Release Best Practices |
82 | |||
83 | h3. When/Why releasing a module? |
84 | |||
85 | * Generally speaking a developer should release a module when the code is mature enough to be used by others. |
86 | * An early release should be available in case others are relying on a module that is currently under heavy development (i.e., frequent commits that imply frequent snapshot updates), in order to avoid blocking other development activities. |
87 | * Before updating an interface (e.g., service interfaces) or library (e.g., common and utilities modules) a developer MUST ENSURE there is a release of the current version. |
88 | |||
89 | 1 | Alessia Bardi | h3. How to release? |
90 | |||
91 | These are the steps for the release of a module, given that developer has a fresh checkout of the module to be released. |
92 | |||
93 | 6 | Alessia Bardi | # Add the SCM info: |
94 | <pre> |
95 | <scm> |
96 | <developerConnection>scm:svn:{module_name}/trunk</developerConnection> |
97 | </scm> |
98 | </pre> |
99 | # Set the parent to a released parent. Example: |
100 | <pre> |
101 | <parent> |
102 | <groupId>eu.dnetlib</groupId> |
103 | <artifactId>dnet-parent</artifactId> |
104 | <version>1.0.0</version> |
105 | </parent> |
106 | </pre> |
107 | # Ensure there are no snapshots included as dependencies. Snapshot dependencies won't be resolved anymore by maven because released parents have visibility only on the released repository (@dnet4-releases@). For example, if your module currently depends on |
108 | <pre> |
109 | <dependency> |
110 | <groupId>eu.dnetlib</groupId> |
111 | <artifactId>cnr-misc-utils</artifactId> |
112 | <version>[1.0.0-SNAPSHOT,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)</version> |
113 | </dependency> |
114 | </pre> |
115 | You should change the dependency as follows: |
116 | <pre> |
117 | <dependency> |
118 | <groupId>eu.dnetlib</groupId> |
119 | <artifactId>cnr-misc-utils</artifactId> |
120 | <version>[1.0.0,2.0.0)</version> |
121 | </dependency> |
122 | </pre> |
123 | Note that this implies that the dependency module (e.g. @cnr-misc-utils@) must have been released. |
124 | 5 | Alessia Bardi | |
125 | 6 | Alessia Bardi | # Run @mvn release:prepare@ and answer the questions. Default answers are usually fine. This will: |
126 | #* copy your trunk into another svn folder (@tags@) |
127 | #* update the versions in trunk and tags |
128 | # Run @mvn release:perform@. This will deploy the artifact on Nexus in the release repository @dnet4-releases@. |