Core entity funding stream » History » Version 1
Alessia Bardi, 29/04/2015 03:38 PM
1 | 1 | Alessia Bardi | h1. Core entity: Funding Stream |
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3 | Funding Streams identify the strands of fundings comprised by the funding stream. Funding streams can be nested to for a tree of subfunding streams, and projects are typically associated to the fudnding stream “leaves” of such trees. |
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5 | |_Property_|_Type_|_Multiplicity_|_Description_| |
6 | | Identifier | String | 1..1 | | |
7 | | Name | String | 1..1 | | |
8 | | Description | String | 1..1 | | |
9 | |||
10 | |_Relationship_|_Target_|_Multiplicity_|_Description_| |
11 | | has sub-stream | [[core_entity_FundingStream|FundingStream]] |0..N| | |
12 | | has parent stream | [[core_entity_FundingStream|FundingStream]] |0..1| | |