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Paolo Manghi, 27/02/2015 09:45 AM
D83 Research impact services¶
Leader: ARC. Participants: CNR
The task will focus on the realization of general-purpose services for measurement of research impact w.r.t. a “research initiative”. Such services will identify relationships between publications/datasets and a given “research initiative” (e.g. research infrastructures) by offering:
- inference by mining functionality
- end-user claim functionality (i.e. end-users declare links)
Services will also offer UIs for visualizing statistics and measuring research impact over time. As a use-case, the task will focus on the development of pilots with selected National funding agencies (e.g. NWO, DFG, NCBR) and infrastructure initiatives (e.g. EGI, PRACE) in order to serve them with the OpenAIRE research impact suit of services.
Task Timeline (Including Deliverables & Milestones)¶
The basic task are:
- Selection of funding agencies with the help of the NOADs.
- Technical support for interoperability with funding agencies data sources in order to collect project information from them.
- Identification of the data model changes required to support the integration.
- Interaction with CNR to integrate with back-end services
- Interaction with ICM to integrate inference modules
These tasks will be supported repeatedly throughout the whole lifecycle of the project, as each case of funding agency can result to new technical requirements and data model updates.
Areas of priority (where to concentrate first)¶
- Work together with NWO and have results by Month 6.
Foreseen Integration with other Work Packages and Tasks¶
- WP8, WP9 and WP10.
Communication Strategy: when and how to raise awareness among consortium of updates in task¶
- Participation in technical meetings and Skype calls.
- Communication via e-mail list with NOADs and Skype calls.
- Announcements in the portal.
Updated by Paolo Manghi about 10 years ago · 1 revisions