playing with elasticsearch
bumped version due to update in dnet-pace-core
updated to the new pace specs, cleanup
raised version
added DedupSimilarityToActionsMapper and relative dependency
updated the version of a dependency
increased a minor virsion
added protobuf-java-format dependency
Using released hadoop parent.
merged branch ProtoMapping
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-mapreduce-jobs-0.0.5
removed extra scm tag
added scm
bumped version, updated parent: let's start to depend on releases
merge from branch newIndexFeed
fixed dependencies
Removed dependency to dnet-oai-utils to avoid inheritance of unwanted jars such as cnr-rmi-api, cnr-service-common, spring, etc., which should not appear when running a job on the cluster. Needed classes have been copied and adapted so they do not use spring anymore.
OAI feed map only job
merged from branch 0.0.4
added early implementation of OAI feeding job (M/R)