feeding with UNACKNOWLEDGE write concern.The feed action also take the optional parameter oai_alwaysNewRecord so that the OAI store can assume there is no another record with the same id in the oai store.
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-4.2.0
set released parent
Supporting provenance.
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-4.1.0
merged changes from branch "cleanup".
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-4.0.0
updating to major release of ServiceLocator
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-3.0.0
Preparing for release 3.0.0
added relativePath in pom
Using releases for basic D-Net modules
The oai database currently in use is discovered dynamically from the OAIConfiguration profile.The xquery to use to retrieve the db name from the configuration is in the property services.oai.publisher.db.xquery.The OAI controller/core have been refactored....
closing dep ranges.