


# Date Author Comment
34849 26/02/2015 05:58 PM Andrea Mannocci

solving ticket #1158 Generate the provenance block at collection time

provenance/identifier take the oai:identifier and not the identifier pointed by the metadata_identifier_xpath

34843 26/02/2015 05:05 PM Andrea Mannocci

solving ticket #1158 Generate the provenance block at collection time

31278 12/10/2014 02:57 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed test condition on $status when setting the <about>/<dataInfo> section.

31272 10/10/2014 06:09 PM Andrea Mannocci

$status -> dollar sign escaped for stringtemplate

31271 10/10/2014 06:01 PM Andrea Mannocci

dri:recordIdentifier was not initialized because of an error in string template (xpath in place of $xpath$)

31255 09/10/2014 05:29 PM Andrea Mannocci

handled deleted records case

30947 30/09/2014 04:50 PM Claudio Atzori

dataInfo moved in about section

30846 24/09/2014 05:17 PM Michele Artini

fixed generation of header fields

30842 24/09/2014 02:23 PM Michele Artini

fixed tags

30840 24/09/2014 12:32 PM Claudio Atzori

added mdbuilder for openaire