


# Date Author Comment
29774 01/08/2014 05:28 PM Alessia Bardi

Added node to set the new current OAI db

29770 01/08/2014 04:29 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed parameters

29752 31/07/2014 06:42 PM Alessia Bardi

SetFormatInfoJobNode takes three optional parameters that specify the name of the env properties where format, layout, and intepretation will be put.This is useful to the dm.provision wf, where the OAI nodes need the triple "oaf-index-openaire" instead of "DMF|TMF-index-openaire".

29748 31/07/2014 06:08 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated workflows for OAI feed/post feed.

29525 24/07/2014 07:47 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated OAI wf: before the feed we have to drop the store because we can't perform upserts in the M/R job: too expensive.

29173 16/07/2014 12:37 PM Alessia Bardi

Added post feed workflow to perform operations such as creating indices, counting sets, after the OAI store has been fed.

29125 15/07/2014 06:13 PM Alessia Bardi

New blackboard action to create an oai store. This is needed by the wf for OAI feeding.

29009 10/07/2014 06:33 PM Claudio Atzori

idScheme and idNamespace defined as part of the OAI configuration profile

29001 10/07/2014 05:55 PM Alessia Bardi

Need to pass idscheme and namespace parameter to the job.

28994 10/07/2014 05:06 PM Claudio Atzori

submittable M/R OAI feeding job

28992 10/07/2014 04:30 PM Claudio Atzori

manual start

28903 04/07/2014 03:18 PM Alessia Bardi

user parameter for the hdfs filepath to use as input of the OAI feed

28304 19/06/2014 12:56 PM Alessia Bardi

OAI feed workflow

27202 06/05/2014 06:07 PM Claudio Atzori

moved to provision package