


# Date Author Comment
41628 09/03/2016 02:29 PM Alessia Bardi

#1592: fill hosted by workflow assignable to both entity registries and aggregators of pubs repos

41623 09/03/2016 12:40 PM Alessia Bardi

#1592: the workflow for the collection of the journal list and the update of the hostedBy map can be assigned to data sources with typology aggregator::pubsrepository

33075 28/11/2014 12:45 PM Sandro La Bruzzo

fixed wrong path, updated resource_identifier

33011 27/11/2014 12:55 PM Sandro La Bruzzo

Renaming repo-hi

32838 17/11/2014 06:02 PM Sandro La Bruzzo

implemented hostdby map on DOAj