merging trunk changes with IIS-CDH-5.3.0 branch
fixing module and parent version to 1.0.1-CDH-5.3.0-SNAPSHOT
creating IIS-CDH-5.3.0 branch
#1038 introducing ranges in dependencies definition for all IIS modules
#1038 reintroducing ranges in dependencies definition for all non-iis dnet modules
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release icm-iis-common-1.0.0
#1044 pre-release switching to released version of parent pom and released dependencies
introducing scm definition
#1038 upgrading dnet dependencies to latest released versions listed by Claudio in #1038#note-3
removing obsolete comment
introducing shared citation ExtraData XML model in icm-iis-common, implementing citation importer in mapred_import workflow, implementing exporter module
introducing FsShellPermissions utility class, utilizing proprly working chmod in metadataextraction cache