


# Date Author Comment
37432 25/05/2015 01:15 PM Marek Horst

#1260 enabling document to protein databank reference extraction in primary workflow, supporting 3 new parameters: active_referenceextraction_pdb, export_action_set_id_document_pdb, export_referenceextraction_pdb_url_root

35701 27/03/2015 06:18 AM Mateusz Kobos

Removing usage of working_dir from Java workflow node.

35057 04/03/2015 05:30 PM Marek Horst

#1176 defining remove_sideproducts property in workflows headers

35042 04/03/2015 03:01 PM Marek Horst

removing duplicate collapser import and aligning worklfow definition

34702 20/02/2015 07:17 PM Marek Horst

#1133 dropping useless workfing_dir creation for java nodes

33249 09/12/2014 06:41 PM Marek Horst

#919 renaming DocumentToResearchInitiative to DocumentToConceptId and DocumentToResearchInitiatives to DocumentToConceptIds

33184 04/12/2014 04:09 PM Marek Horst

#919 enabling concepts matching for FET projects in mainworkflows: import, export, primary and preprocessing

33098 28/11/2014 04:27 PM Marek Horst

#1022 introducing extracted document metadata collapser at importing phase.
Propagating extracted document mentadata (including PMC ingested metadata) to processing part of workflow what can be exploited by citation matching module.
Introducing citations collapser in last stage of processing phase collapsing ingested citations with matched citations.

29967 03/09/2014 11:04 AM Marek Horst

#568, #577 enabling proper citations export by introducing PMC citation ingestion and citation matching outcome merging and grouping for exporting purposes. Introducing union instead of collapser which should be introduced in near future.

29016 11/07/2014 10:26 AM Marek Horst

#486 introducing last piece missing: text collapser in front of referenceextraction_researchinitiatives joining text contents coming from already existing document_text input port and newly introduced document_text_wos input port providing WoS contents

28987 10/07/2014 03:37 PM Marek Horst

intregrating pmc citations ingestion with primary workflow, adjust port names, deduplicating dependencies